Sprints/February 09


February 2009 Sprint planning


Ongoing tasks carried here from the previous sprint + New tasks committed by their owners in the sprint meeting. They come from the tasks in the Backlog and the Proposals.

Completed Good progress Just standing Some help needed! Really stuck/delayed
Committed Task Owner  % Highlights
2008-09-30 Task:Reducing number of external repositories Niels 40% Contacted most owners. Had a lot of positive responses, but need to gently push most of them again..
2008-09-30 Task:Open Source Proof Points Quim 5% Nothing done in this sprint, sigh.
2008-11-04 Karma for applications Hirvinen 0%
2008-11-04 Finalise layout for Dave & Tim 70% Wireframe and content done. Awaiting design by Glaubert.
2008-11-04 Task:Texts for Quim 20% Drafted the "Open Source" part, but need to complete out of this sprint.
2008-11-04 Define what is needed to get git up on Ferenc 80% Talk page up at Git for garage, Plans up at Git For Garage. 80% because discussion still takes place. But nothing stopping from moving ahead.
2008-12-03 Task:Implement new layout and style Henri/Niels 20%
2008-12-03 Objective:Community localization Quim 10% Objective roadmapped in Harmattan, all details need to be figured out
2008-01-07 Plan to redesign Downloads and add functionality Niels 30% Need to pick ideas to commit to in next Sprint
2009-02-04 List Maemo Bugzilla custom code changes Andre 30% order to port Bugzilla to a more recent codebase (long term). See bug report and diff dump for more details.
2009-02-20 Analyze the suitability of lintian for QA Jeremiah 10% I think lintian (the debian policy enforcer) would be an excellent automated tool for maemo if it were "maemoized".

Bugs in product Website

The bugs assigned in the last sprint meeting are marked as HIGH. The bugs proposed for the next sprint are marked as MEDIUM. Only product/component maintainers can change this status. Comment on a bug if you want to push it up. Check also those marked as EASYFIX.

What follows are the bugs that need special attention/progress.

For the record:

IDSeverityProductStatusResolutionSummary (7 tasks) Assignee WebsiteNEWComments on should automatically contain version numberAslan Venejoki WebsiteNEWVisualize rating creation date and related software versionHenri Bergius WebsiteRESOLVEDFIXEDAdd maemo-community for discussion karma counting WebsiteRESOLVEDFIXEDAdd RSS feeds to community portalFerenc Szekely WebsiteRESOLVEDFIXEDDeveloper documentation portal needs revisionDave Neary WebsiteRESOLVEDFIXEDMailing lists must be re-importedFerenc Szekely WebsiteRESOLVEDWONTFIXExplicit feedback channelsTero Kojo

Activity log

Latest activity report goes on top.

Saturday 2009-02-21
Friday 2009-02-20
  • Niels
    • Yesterday: A day where external factors dictated my day ;) Fix RSS feed issues, Security QA discussion. Looked into application karma. Applied various patches for midgard to fix some website bugs. Worked on new styling. Overloaded Jeremiah with info again.
    • Today: Work on front page and Downloads styling.
  • Jeremiah
    • Spoke with people on #maemo about versions of tools in maemo sdk, they are starting to show their age according to some. (i.e. debhelper is version 5 in sdk, version 7 in lenny)
    • Downloaded, timeless' package
    • Reading "Maemo Packaging Policy v.023"
Thursday 2009-02-19
  • Niels
    • Yesterday: Fixed a few repository and autobuilder issues. Applied some patches to the voting software. Gave Jeremiah access to repository machine and overloaded him with info :) Discussed alternative repository management tools. Worked with bergie on an account issue on
    • Today: Fix feed issue for Council. Work on front page styling.
  • Jeremiah
    • Discussion with Kevin Hurewitz at Nokia about lintian and its suitability for and Nokia (I would like to create a git or svn repo where we can keep our version of lintian so anyone can work on it.)
    • Dug up some data on creating man pages for Kevin
    • Reading documentation
    • Security / QA discussion this morning with bunch of folks, blogged about it
Wednesday 2009-02-18
  • Niels
    • Yesterday: Worked on repository issues and voting software. Tested doc importing. Attended web design meeting and worked on new style.
    • Today: Fix chinook builder and promoter issues (index corruption?). Work on new styling for frontpage.
  • Jeremiah
    • Still reading lots of docs
    • Got Mer up and running in VirtualBox, still need to work on getting complete diablo 4.1.2 environment so I can go through building a package
    • Set up my environment on
    • Discussed dak with Niels
Tuesday 2009-02-17
  • Niels
    • Yesterday: Tried to catch up on email, looked at some repository issues, worked on documentation importing. Installed voting software, upgraded servers and fired off voting mails.
    • Today: Try to finish doc importing, start working on new styling again, overload Jeremiah with even more info ;)
  • Jeremiah
    • Slurping up more links and data from Niels
    • Wiki reading / editing
    • Emails, bug reporting regarding email addresses in the changelog file
    • Built diablo sdk following instructions, using apophis on my debian testing chroot
Monday 2009-02-16
  • Jeremiah
    • Finishing up some paperwork, i.e. NDA
    • Relishing being a debmaster ;)
    • Getting my development environment up and running so that I can reproduce packaging issues
    • Being debriefed by Niels - lots of good info :)
    • Would like to begin a long term discussion regarding security
  • Niels
    • Past week: Holiday
    • Today: Catch up with email backlog, get Jeremiah started. Help Dave out with documentation import and voting.
Thursday 2009-02-12
  • Ryan
    • Past days: Helping timeless with improved l10n, bugzilla stuff, working on pushing h-a-m improvements, debmaster stuff etc.
    • Today: Try to get another highlights blog post out the door.
    • Problems: Sprint reporting has gone totally down the toilet. Perhaps we need some sort of incentive. . . .
Wednesday 2009-02-11
  • Andre
    • Yesterday: Normal bug business; triaging reports with version < 4.0; internal weekly report
    • Today: Bug 3846 again; discuss testing in Testzilla with Karsten; triage some older reports for relaxation ;-)