Sprints/November 09


November 2009 Sprint planning


Ongoing tasks carried here from the previous sprint + New tasks committed by their owners in the sprint meeting. They come from the tasks in the Backlog and the Proposals.

Completed Good progress Just standing Some help needed! Really stuck/delayed
Task ID Task Sprint priority Owner Percentage complete Notes
9.04-05 Implement new layout and style - Bugzilla Must Andre, Karsten 80% Nokia surprised me by handing out devices at the Summit - hence bug reports got filed like mad => No progress here in October. Good news: Got Karsten back for a few hours per week for the rest of the year.
9.08-01 Document & communicate packages interface to testers Must Jaffa 0% Been blocked on 9.08-10, struggling to fit in time.
9.09-01 Push packaging policy updates Must X-Fade, danielwilms 40% Make some changes, waiting for Daniel to pass it to Nokia internal team.
9.10-03 Implement SSO backend Must indeyets 0%
9.10-04 Brainstorm: bug fixes and new features Must NetBlade 0% Related bug
9.10-05 Brainstorm: better categories view Must NetBlade 0%
9.10-06 Brainstorm: automoderation from sandbox to under consideration Must NetBlade 0%
9.10-07 Server migration Must Ferenc 0% Servers will be available in November only.
9.11-01 Refresh intro Must qgil 0% See Talk thread and Josefdk wiki proposal
9.11-02 Maemo Greeters program Must texrat 50% Pilot started: Very quick engagement by members, better than expected. Ideas coming fast and furious! A Greeters page has been started by member smarsh:
9.11-03 Get a decision on Developers should get karma based on the relevance of their software Must VDVsx 0%
9.11-04 Openness data Must Stskeeps 0%
9.11-05 Starting to work on a open sourcing queue Must Stskeeps 0%
9.11-06 Help out the SSU team to get them started Must Stskeeps 0%
9.11-07 Mer 0.17 release and facilitating Maemo on non-N900 OMAP3 boards (beagle, etc) Must Stskeeps 0%
9.11-08 No orphaned pages and revise Wiki navigation Must dneary 0% See Maemowiki Action Group page for precise details
9.11-09 Integrate more minimae checks (around ten new checks) Must jeremiah 2% I'll add some more checks and fill in more information on minimae so that developers can look up errors.
9.11-10 Integrate ITP database with general package database Must jeremiah 0% It would be good if the current package search that Niels built would somehow show a package that has been requested to be ported to Maemo or is being ported.
9.11-11 Install and test reprepro on new infrastructure Must jeremiah 0% I will install and test on for the time being, obviously the new servers are a blocker.
9.11-12 Brainstorm/improve Extras-testing Q&A Must VDVsx, jeremiah, lma 5% See discussion.
9.09-10 Implement SSO sync-API endpoint for garage Should danielwilms 0%
9.10-13 Distribute 'Fixed In Fremantle' shirts to contributors that didn't make it to the Summit Should qgil 0% started
9.10-14 Create a RFP (Request for Packaging) interface just like the ITP Should jeremiah 0%
9.10-15 Prepare a Bugday Should andre 5% Got logo by wazd (thanks).
9.08-12 Improve reporting feed appearance on sprint page Could Ferenc 0% To liaise with Jaffa. I am happy to pass it on, November will be the month of the server move.
9.10-09 Prototype Could dneary 0% No progress - vacation & wiki clean-up got in the way.
9.10-10 Add extra info fields from control files to interface - Changelog Could X-Fade 0%
9.11-16 Update Fremantle roadmap Could qgil 0%
9.11-17 Implement new UI for the application-downloader Could danielwilms, wazd 0%


None yet

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