Port Xscreensaver for Maemo
This port adapted for using with LiveWallpaper
Type of CPU use can be:
- "Continuous", meaning that the screensaver never stop
- "Discontinuous", meaning that the screensaver pause for few second before starting a new draw
Level of CPU use is simply detected via cpumem-applet:
- 0 or 1 blocks: low
- 2 blocks: medium
- 3 or 4 blocks: high
Theme | Working? | Type of CPU use | Level of CPU use | Comments |
abstractile | Yes | Discontinuous | Medium | |
anemone | Yes | Continuous | High | |
anemotaxis | Yes | Continuous | High | |
apollonian | Yes | Discontinuous | Low | |
attraction | Yes | Continuous | High | |
barcode | Yes | Continuous | Medium | |
blaster | Yes | Continuous | High | |
boxfit | Yes | Discontinuous | High | |
braid | Yes | Continuous | High | |
bsod | Yes | Discontinuous | Low | |
bumps | Yes | Continuous | Low | |
ccurve | Yes | Discontinuous | Low | |
celtic | Yes | Discontinuous | High | |
cloudlife | Yes | Continuous | High | |
compass | Yes | Continuous | High | |
coral | Yes | Discontinuous | High | |
crystal | Yes | Continuous | High | |
cwaves | Yes | Continuous | Medium | |
cynosure | Yes | Continuous | Medium | |
decayscreen | Yes | Continuous | Medium | |
deco | Yes | Discontinuous | Low | |
deluxe | Yes | Continuous | High | |
demon | Yes | Continuous | Low | |
discrete | Yes | Continuous | High | |
distort | Yes | Continuous | Medium | |
drift | Yes | Continuous | High | |
epicycle | Yes | Continuous | Low | |
eruption | Yes | Continuous | High | |
euler2d | Yes | Continuous | High | |
fadeplot | Yes | Continuous | Medium | |
fiberlamp | Yes | Continuous | High | |
fireworkx | Yes | Continuous | High | |
flame | Yes | Discontinuous | High | |
flow | Yes | Continuous | High | |
fluidballs | Yes | Continuous | High | |
fuzzyflakes | Yes | Continuous | High | |
galaxy | Yes | Continuous | High | |
goop | Yes | Continuous | High | |
grav | Yes | Continuous | High | |
greynetic | Yes | Continuous | High | |
halftone | Yes | Continuous | High | |
halo | Yes | Discontinuous | Low | |
helix | Yes | Discontinuous | Medium | |
hopalong | Yes | Continuous | High | |
ifs | Yes | Continuous | Medium | |
imsmap | Yes | Discontinuous | High | |
interaggregate | Yes | Continuous | High | |
interference | Yes | Continuous | High | |
intermomentary | Yes | Continuous | High | |
julia | Yes | Continuous | High | |
kaleidescope | Yes | Continuous | High | |
kumppa | Yes | Continuous | High | |
lcdscrub | Yes | Continuous | Low | |
loop | Yes | Continuous | Low | |
m6502 | Yes | Continuous | High | |
maze | Yes | Discontinuous | Medium | |
memscroller | Yes | Continuous | Medium | |
metaballs | Yes | Continuous | High | |
moire | Yes | Discontinuous | Medium | |
moire2 | Yes | Continuous | Medium | |
mountain | Yes | Discontinuous | Low | |
munch | Yes | Continuous | High | |
nerverot | Yes | Continuous | Medium | |
pacman | Yes | Continuous | Medium | |
pedal | Yes | Discontinuous | Low | |
penetrate | Yes | Continuous | Medium | |
penrose | Yes | Discontinuous | Medium | |
petri | Yes | Continuous | High | |
phosphor | Yes | Discontinuous | Low | |
piecewise | Yes | Continuous | High | |
polyominoes | Yes | Continuous | High | |
pong | Yes | Continuous | High | |
popsquares | Yes | Continuous | Medium | |
pyro | Yes | Continuous | High | |
qix | Yes | Continuous | Medium | |
rd-bomb | Yes | Continuous | Medium | |
ripples | Yes | Continuous | Medium | |
rocks | Yes | Continuous | Medium | |
rorschach | Yes | Discontinuous | Medium | |
rotzoomer | Yes | Continuous | High | |
shadebobs | Yes | Continuous | Medium | |
sierpinski | Yes | Discontinuous | Low | |
slidescreen | Yes | Continuous | Low | |
slip | Yes | Continuous | High | |
speedmine | Yes | Continuous | High | |
spotlight | Yes | Continuous | High | |
squiral | Yes | Continuous | Medium | |
starfish | Yes | Continuous | High | |
strange | Yes | Continuous | High | |
substrate | Yes | Continuous | High | |
swirl | Yes | Continuous | High | |
thornbird | Yes | Continuous | High | |
triangle | Yes | Continuous | High | |
truchet | Yes | Continuous | Low | |
twang | Yes | Continuous | High | |
vermiculate | Yes | Continuous | High | |
wander | Yes | Continuous | Medium | |
whirlwindwarp | Yes | Continuous | High | |
wormhole | Yes | Continuous | High | |
xflame | Yes | Continuous | High | |
xlyap | Yes | Discontinuous | High | |
xmatrix | Yes | Continuous | High | |
xrayswarm | Yes | Continuous | High | |
xspirograph | Yes | Discontinuous | Medium | |
zoom | Yes | Continuous | High |
- This page was last modified on 5 October 2010, at 17:00.
- This page has been accessed 27,679 times.