
[edit] What is it

w32g is a dbus script to toggle 2g/3g when connected/disconnected to wifi.

If there's a call, it will delay the toggling.

[edit] Configuration

The configuration documentation is at the beginning w32g.conf. You can copy it to /home/user/.w32g.conf and modify it :

 ### the comment reflect the default configuration
 ### true is true (case insensitive), everything else is false
 ### the command used to test the wifi connection before downgrading to 2g
 ### if you don't want to do test just delete after =
 # connection_test = sudo /bin/ping -c 1
 ### notification message when going to 3g
 # message_on_idle = 3G cellular mode set
 ### notification message when going to 2g
 # message_on_connected = 2G (GSM) cellular mode set
 ### shall we go back to 3g when wlan disconnect ?
 #### if you want to have false just delete after =
 # change_on_idle = true
 ### shall we go back to dual or 3g ?
 # change_to_dual = true
 ### if wait_on_call is a integer greater than 0, the program will wait
 ### all this time to toggle to 2g/3g. After this time it will exit
 ### without toggling.
 ### if wait_on_call is 0 or lesser, w32g will exit without toggling
 # wait_on_call = 90
 ### if you want go to 2g only when connected to some wlan you can add their wlan id here
 ### you can find the wlan id using the command 
 ### gconftool-2 -R /system/osso/connectivity/IAP
 ### For example :
 ### wifi = 91f493fb-7c89-4fc6-ac2c-b822923dde45 9ee5dd55-9a32-4ee9-9131-c464ad31d907
 # wifi =

[edit] Script

And you must copy the program to /home/user/bin/w32g and follow instruction below :

 # You need to install dbus-scripts (BE CAREFUL, it's a devel package)
 # as root you need to create a file /etc/sudoers.d/w32g
 # with this line :
 #   user ALL = NOPASSWD: /bin/ping
 # and run the command update-sudoers because only root can use ping
 # always as root and you need to create another file
 # /etc/dbus-scripts/w32g with the following line : 
 #   /home/user/bin/w32g * * status_changed * WLAN_INFRA *
 # and copy this script in /home/user/bin/w32g
 import sys
 import os
 import ConfigParser
 import re
 import commands
 import time 
 debug = False
 conf_file = '/home/user/.w32g.conf'
 config = { 'message_on_idle': '3G cellular mode set',
   'message_on_connected': '2G (GSM) cellular mode set',
   'connection_test': 'sudo /bin/ping -c 1',
   'change_on_idle': 'true',
   'change_to_dual': 'true',
   'wait_on_call': 10,
 config_parser = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
     for item in config_parser.items('w32g'):
         config[ item[0] ] = item[1]
 except ConfigParser.NoSectionError:
 def to_bool(string):
     if'true', string, re.IGNORECASE):
         return True
 config['change_on_idle'] = to_bool(config['change_on_idle'])
 config['change_to_dual'] = to_bool(config['change_to_dual'])
 config['wait_on_call']   = int(config['wait_on_call'])
 wifi_id,state = sys.argv[5],sys.argv[7]
 # if we are not on the good wifi network we do nothing and exit
 if config['wifi'] and not, config['wifi'], re.IGNORECASE):
     if debug: print "not the good wifi network, exit"
 dbus_wifi = "dbus-send --system --type=method_call --print-reply /com/nokia/phone/net Phone.Net.set_selected_radio_access_technology";
 dbus_notif = "dbus-send --system --type=method_call --print-reply --dest=org.freedesktop.Notifications /org/freedesktop/Notifications org.freedesktop.Notifications.SystemNoteInfoprint";
 dbus_test_call = "dbus-send --system --print-reply=literal /com/nokia/csd/call/1"
 def is_on_call():
     output = commands.getoutput(dbus_test_call)
     return "uint32 0" in output
 def wait_or_exit_on_call():
     if debug: print "in wait or exit on call"
     choice = config['wait_on_call']
     if choice > 0:
         end = time.time() + choice
         while end > time.time():
             if is_on_call(): return
             if debug: print "wait"
 if state == 'CONNECTED':
     if debug: print "CONNECTED STATE"
     # we verified that the connection works
     if config['connection_test']:
         ret = os.system(config['connection_test']);
         ret = 0
     # we wait or exit if there's a call
     if ret == 0:
         os.system(dbus_wifi + " byte:1");
         os.system(dbus_notif + " string:'" + config['message_on_connected'] + "'")
 elif state == 'IDLE' and config['change_on_idle']:
     if debug: print "IDLE STATE"
     dual = "2"
     if config['change_to_dual']: dual = "0"
     print dual
     # we wait or exit if there's a call
     os.system(dbus_wifi + " byte:" + dual);
     os.system(dbus_notif + " string:'" + config['message_on_idle'] + "'")
 print state
 if debug: print "end here"