Talk:Maemo Summit 2009/Submissions
[edit] Presentations under consideration
Please add comments you have about presentations under consideration here.
[edit] Propose merge
[edit] Tracker: Dial M for Metadata
Probably merge with the other Tracker presentation already approved ? . --Valério Valério 10:13, 17 September 2009 (UTC)
I vote to replace (with the presenter's approval) the QtTracker talk by this more general one. --Dave Neary 10:23, 18 September 2009 (UTC)
Agree with Dave, there is significant overlap from what I can see, to facilitate a merge or replace. --baloo 19:20, 20 September 2009 (UTC)
Propose merge or replacement with QtTracker - Merge OK
Managing metadata by accessing Tracker with QtTracker
- Author: Iridian Kiiskinen, ext dash iridian dot kiiskinen at nokia dot com
- Intended audience: Application/Platform Developers
- Talk type: Presentation
- Abstract/description
- QtTracker is a Qt Object RDF Mapper with Tracker backend. It supplements Soprano, offering intuitive resource access, property traversal, sophisticated query building, live update handling, simple client-side transactions, powerful caching, and other convenience features at the top convenience layer, but also lower tier access supplying direct sparql etc. QtTracker is native C++, and integrates extensively with Qt.
- The upcoming release is the first public LGPL release of QtTracker, and an introduction is given into why, when and how QtTracker should be used. After that a basic example application presenting idiomatic usage of core features will be discussed.
- Author bio
- Iridian Kiiskinen started working in Nokia Maemo group since end of 2008, and is a newly enthusiastic open source developer migrating from the academic world.
[edit] MicroB browser, why it fastest "Mozilla based" browser, features, extensions for MicroB
We already have a browser presentation approved, waiting for more opinions --Valério Valério 10:22, 17 September 2009 (UTC)
Agreed. We have a "Maemo browser for power users" talk, Quim suggested the two talks merge. I'd say no to this unless the presenters agree to merge their talk. --Dave Neary 10:23, 18 September 2009 (UTC)
Not sure a merge would work but if it can be done then a yes. --baloo 19:28, 20 September 2009 (UTC)
Propose merge with existing Maemo browser proposal - Quim to mail
MicroB browser, why it fastest "Mozilla based" browser, features, extensions for MicroB
- Oleg Romashin, oleg dot romashin at nokia dot com / Nagineni Sudarsana
- Intended audience: application developers
- Talk type: presentation
- Abstract/description
- Maemo 5, MicroB browser currently is fastest "Mozilla based" browser available on mobile platform.
- This presentation is some sort of description of architecture and principles of MicroB browser, why it so fast, what is difference between MicroB and Fennec browser.
- Also some description about how to write extensions for MicroB browser.
[edit] Designing QT application for Maemo 5 and Maemo 6
Big yes. This is a very relevant presentation due to the recent discussions in the -devel ML about this topics. --Valério Valério 10:19, 17 September 2009 (UTC)
We already have a few Qt presentations in there. Is there a chance to merge this with (or replace) an existing talk? --Dave Neary 10:23, 18 September 2009 (UTC)
Agree. Merge. --baloo 19:27, 20 September 2009 (UTC)
Propose merge with Ian Monroe's "Preparing Qt apps for Harmattan and Fremantle" (response: replace Ian's talk by Sergiy's)
Done - Leaving Ian's proposal here, for a possible BoF, if we have space.
Preparing your Qt Application for Fremantle and Harmattan
- Ian Monroe <ian.monroe at>
- Intended audience: application developers
- Talk type: Presentation/BoF
- Abstract/description
- An initial short presentation about Qt on Fremantle, what the Qt platform might look like on Harmattan and the status of the QtMobility project will be followed by a guided audience discussion.
The group discussion will be about the unique issues of developing on this new Qt platform, and the challenges and feasiblity of porting existing desktop applicaitons.
- Integrating with Tracker
- Telepathy
- ...and other (traditionally Gnome) parts of the Maemo stack.
- How much existing desktop GUI (if any) can be used on the small touch-screen device?
- Core/UI separation
- Developing touch screen UIs
- Additional Information
- Non-fixed chairs so that they can be put in a circular fashion (which is best for a BoF when possible).
- Author bio
- Ian is a software developer at Collabora Ltd where he works from home in Iowa City, Iowa USA. He has been a developer of the popular desktop music manager Amarok for four years. He is the maintainer of KDE's video player, Dragon Player.
[edit] Accepted Presentation proposals
When presentations have been definitively accepted and moved from the "Submissions" page to the schedule, the discussion about them is removed, but remains visible in the history.
[edit] Declined presentation proposals
When authors have been notified that their presentations will not be included in the schedule, we move them here.
[edit] Attracting the Masses
Presentation declined. We felt that the content wasn't compelling enough for the presentation, and there will be considerable duplication with presentations during the Nokia day, which will concentrate on cracking the mass market, and during the Fremantle Stars presentations we expect to have. Please add any comments you might have below. Dave Neary 16:45, 1 July 2009 (UTC)
- Daniel Gentleman, thoughtfix at gmail dot com or thoughtfix anywhere.
- Intended audience: Developers - but other parties may be interested
- Talk type: Presentation (req: projector with VGA or DVI input for a Keynote presentation)
- Abstract/description
- Tablets have hundreds of applications now - but who are they for? If the Internet Tablets are intended to attract a more mainstream mobile market, the maemo community needs to get in touch with the needs of the target market.
- The first part of this presentation will give an overview of the most popular applications on competing platforms. This information will be collected through app store sales/download counts, direct communication with a sampling of mobile consumers, and communication with some other high-profile mobile technology journalists. This will include actual applications, connectivity options, peripherals, interface (touch/keyboard/icon/etc) preferences, and related consumer desires.
- The second part of this presentation will give an overview of the state of the existing maemo platform including commercial partners, independent contributors, and ports of more popular Linux software.
- The conclusion will analyze mobile consumer desires compared to maemo offerings and, hopefully, give developers ideas on what they can write to make the platform more appealing.
- Author bio
- The seeds of TabletBlog started in 2005 when some geek named Daniel Gentleman picked up the original Nokia 770 and started a blog. Since then, I've published thousands of bits of material reaching millions of visitors and video views. So far, I've been present for the Nokia N800 launch in CES 2007, the N810 launch at the Web2Summit, BossaConference 2008 in Recife, Brazil, and the first Maemo Summit.
[edit] Challenges of Multimedia within a Freely Distributable Tablet Framework
Seems a little too abstract for a Maemo Summit as I think these issues effect a much wider audience. A good talk but again, in the interests of keeping this a very Maemo Summit focused event, I'm saying no unless a more compelling argument is there. -- baloo 22:48, 12 July 2009 (UTC)
Same opinion here, in the current state I say no. -- Valério Valério 09:28, 13 July 2009 (UTC)
Same here. No. There are many more compelling Mer presentations possible. --Dave Neary 15:23, 13 July 2009 (UTC)
Agreement: No
- Author: Matthew Craig, mtc in #Mer
- Intended audience: Users and Platform engineers
- Talk type: Presentation
- Abstract/description
- Multimedia technology has the very real potential of framing the next generation of the web, and it is becoming a primary vehicle for communication worldwide. The Mer Project faces unique challenges in handling this important technology, as it based on embedded architectures and strives to be freely distributable. For example, license restrictions of MPEG technologies prevent the free distribution of the popular "MP3" audio playback. With the current and rapid adoption of HTML-5 Video specifications, these difficult challenges are ones that must be addressed immediately. This talk will review the obstacles, and the practical solutions, to using multimedia within the Mer Project.
- Author bio
- See Evangelizing Mer below.
[edit] Evangelizing Mer, and Tips on Promoting Your Own Project
Not sure this would stand up as a full session, suited more to a lightning talk? -- baloo 22:48, 12 July 2009 (UTC)
Unless the author came up with a bigger plane, I also vote to convert it in a LT. -- Valério Valério 09:33, 13 July 2009 (UTC)
I think an evangelisation presentation might be good. Let's see what else comes along in that style before saying yes. --Dave Neary 15:36, 13 July 2009 (UTC)
- On reflection, I think that this is not a great and potentially interesting session to a large number of people. Voting no. --Dave Neary 13:48, 31 July 2009 (UTC)
- Author: Matthew Craig, mtc in #Mer
- Intended audience: Application Developers
- Talk type: Presentation
- Abstract/description
- The Mer Project is a community led tablet framework that offers community support for older Nokia tablet computers. The success of the project relies on the participation of interested technologists worldwide. Over the last half year, the Mer Project has been able to attract dozens of participants and aligned itself with important free software organizations, such as Ubuntu, openSUSE, and, in order to assure long-term success. Our excited participants are not only members but also activists in their community, advocating the software in local technology clubs and events. Find out the details of these efforts and ways that you can adopt the same policies for your own project, presented by the self-proclaimed Mer Project Chief Evangelist!
- Author bio
- Matthew Craig is a volunteer and outspoken representative of the Mer Project. He brings with him the experiences of being a Foundation volunteer and an Ubuntu Member in hopes of helping realize a cross-platform and freely distributable Mer framework. When he is not discovering the future of micro-sized computing, Matthew handles a technical consulting practice to bring server and storage solutions to enterprise-sized environments.
[edit] Creating Python bindings for C libraries in Maemo
I don't think Python bindings for C in Maemo have something special/different than bindings for other linux 'distros'. Since we have a lot of proposed talks for the dev's track, I would prefer to have others instead of this one. Maybe a LT, but IMO, this is a big topic for a 5 min presentation. So is a no for me. -- Valério Valério 11:46, 31 July 2009 (UTC)
There's already a pymaemo presentation, I think that we should leave it at that, and start solliciting presentations to fill gaps we have in the schedule. --Dave Neary 13:48, 31 July 2009 (UTC)
- It's been pointed out to me that there isn't. A pymaemo presentation ("RAD for Maemo with PyMaemo" or something like that) would be a pretty cool presentation. --Dave Neary 12:39, 3 August 2009 (UTC)
I proposed this talk for this reason: I think Python bindings are very very important for Maemo. Why? Because if Maemo is only programmable in C language we miss a lot of good programmers who cannot/don't want to use C language. Having more developers (C + Python) means more applications available for Maemo. My talk want to convince people to help PyMaemo team and showing them that it requires only few (almost...) C skills and free time to dedicate to the project. If you find it's not a good reason, I'll accept your decision anyway. I could propose a light talk about python-mafw (the binding I'm working to) but it wouldn't be exactly the same thing. --Andrea Grandi 19:17, 3 August 2009 (UTC)
- Author: Andrea Grandi (andy80), a.grandi at gmail dot com
- Intended audience: Application/Platform Developers
- Talk type: presentation (20-30 minutes)
- Abstract/description
- Lot of libraries in Linux and even in Maemo are written in C and are not directly accessible from Python. When a Python binding doesn't exist it could be useful to create one so other Python developers are able to use that library without having to code their application in C language.
- My intent is to give basic information about how to create Python bindings for a generic C library and show how to generate an automatic build and installation using distutils.
- Author bio
- I'm a student of Computer Science at "Università degli Studi di Firenze" (Italy) and currently I'm going to spend a whole year at "Universidad Politecnica de Valencia". I follow Maemo project and the community since the arrive of Nokia 770 device, I ported Spim (a MIPS emulator) on Maemo and helped other developers fixing bugs. Last year I did a light talk at Maemo Summit 2008 about ESBox and Pluthon. Currently I'm doing a work stage at Igalia (a spanish free software company) and I'm working on a Python binding of a Maemo library.
I would love to see this, with all the new libs coming in Fremantle and beyond we need all the help we can get in order to have full Python support. Besides, this really belongs in the platform track which is still mostly empty. --lma 17:25, 21 August 2009 (UTC)
[edit] Life outdoor event with Maemo
- Author: Till Harbaum
- Intended audience: everyone
- Talk type: lightning talk + outdoor thing
- Abstract/description
- Location based services are en vogue. GPXView and OSM2Go are two examples for this and a live outdoor demo can sure be real fun. While OSM2Go has a more serious background something like guided real life mapping (there are sure things close to the event that need mapping/correction) may be cool. GPXView is a fun thing and e.g. a special summit related geocache could be hidden. This needs some planning but would likely even attract some geocachers from that region. Also this could be used for some fancy promo things. There could be prizes t win (to be found in a cache) or Maemo related travel bugs could be started. Even a Maemo "geocoin" could be made for this event.
- Author bio
- Till Harbaum is a spare time maemo developer and has been working with maemo since he sold his last palm device. His projects include maemo related hardware hacks, games, the aforementioned GPXView and OSM2Go.
Could be part of the Stars keynote for OSM2Go. --Dave Neary 16:15, 30 July 2009 (UTC)
Agree. -- Valério Valério 11:22, 31 July 2009 (UTC)
I like the subject, but I'm not sure it should be grouped with OSM2Go. There is a wider talk here that could look at geocaching, GPX recording for geotagging photo's, e.t.c. --baloo 12:45, 3 August 2009 (UTC)
Agreement: Propose Fremantle Stars plenary session, 10 to 15 mins each Session confirmed, at least OMWeather, OSM2Go, liqbase and Mauku will present & discuss the outside event idea with Till
[edit] Improving the Bluetooth experience on Linux
- Gustavo F. Padovan. < gustavo at padovan dot org >
- Intended audience: platform developers
- Talk type: presentation
- Abstract/description
- This talk will cover the implementation of the Enhanced Retransmission Mode(ERTM) of operation of the Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol (L2CAP), a Bluetooth Core layer. ERTM provides support for segmentation and reassembly of packets, flow control and error control which means, mainly, support for retransmission of lost packets on Bluetooth Core implementation on Linux for the first time.
- ERTM makes transfers more reliable, giving us a very low error rate. Also, It is one of the first steps to implement the amazing Alternate MAC/PHY(new Bluetooth 3.0 feature), which allows that Bluetooth uses the 802.11 radio to transport Bluetooth data. I'm doing this work as part of my Google Summer of Code project and I'm being mentored by Marcel Holtmann, the BlueZ maintainer.
- Author bio
- Gustavo F. Padovan is 22 years old. Computer Science student at University of Campinas, Brazil. Free Software enthusiastic and member of GPSL (a student group to promote free software at University of Campinas). He is a BlueZ core developer and was accepted on Google Summer of Code 2009 in the same project. He has also been contributing to the Linux Kernel since May 2008. Nowadays, he works at ProFUSION embedded systems.
Not sure this would make for a good presentation. Veering towards a 'no' unless something else comes up to convince me otherwise. -- baloo 13:12, 26 August 2009 (UTC)
No from me too. --Dave Neary 19:33, 31 August 2009 (UTC)
[edit] Expanding the tablet user base
- Luc Byhet
- Intended audience: everyone
- Talk type: presentation / lessons learned
- Abstract/description
- Mobile platforms such as laptops and smartphones got pervasive but unappropriate to specific tasks and jobs. Well, not so specific as it's sometimes hundred of thousands of users. End users started envisioning specialised devices for their own specific fields and tasks. Tablets are a good fit for technical fieldforces, healthcare, trading, law enforcement or interactive guides but yet their use in these areas is not so widespread yet.
- This talk will be about influencing users and decision makers, stimulating innovation around tablets, meeting users and ensuring that devices get used. A walkthrough of succesful implementations of similar devices will be presented as well as a checklist of what to do to make this happen. This is about tech and business, code and industrial design, and potentially finding a dream job.
- Author bio
- I'm working for Accenture Technology Consulting, my job is to evangelize CIOs and decision-makers about open source software, get decisions done and launch projects. I'm a permanent observer of Open Source communities and promoter of their work. I'm currently working on innovative use cases for tablets.
Not sure about the content on this one. Seems too high level and evangelizing for me. -- baloo 13:23, 26 August 2009 (UTC)
If we're going for a presentation in this style, Texrat's is my preference. No. --Dave Neary 19:33, 31 August 2009 (UTC)
Texrat's is also my favorite in this topic. No from me. -- Valério Valério 16:31, 1 September 2009 (UTC)
[edit] Building a Safe Mobile Browsing Experience
- timeless
- Application developers
- Presentation
- Abstract/description
- Making a browser is simple, right? All you need is a text field and a content area. Then someone asks for back, and forward, and bookmarks, and zooming. Eventually someone says they care about whether they're visiting their bank's web page or some con-artist. At this point, you realize that things aren't simple. But that's just the normal process, we're trying to build a browser for a mobile device with a small screen. Then along comes a user interface designer who tries to "simplify things", you don't need to "waste" space on that lock icon, right? Someone asks "why aren't you protecting me from phishing?" Then someone says "you just cost me 200 CAD in data charges". Balancing requests for features, space for user interface, and practical concerns is hard. Come listen to stories about some of the requests, decisions, and constraints.
- Additional Information (optional)
- Presentation day must be Friday or Sunday.
- Author bio
- timeless has been working on Mozilla for 10 years in various areas, including Embedding, User Interface, Localization and Security. For the past 3 1/2 years, at Nokia working on the Maemo Browser (code name: MicroB).
Yes from me. -- Valério Valério 08:58, 25 August 2009 (UTC)
Let's see what space we have left on Sunday. --Dave Neary 19:33, 31 August 2009 (UTC)
No - prefer "Browser for power users
[edit] Mobile Widget Development and Trends
- Author: Rajesh Lal, rajesh.lal at nokia dot com
- Intended audience: Widget Developers/Mobile Application Developers
- Talk type: Presentation/Demo
- Abstract/description
- A presentation on Mobile Widget Development, and how Maemo platform distinguishes itself with Common Web Runtime and QT, and provides a strong foundation for Mobile Developers across the World.
- This presentation is not about QT or WRT, this is about the over used term Widget, in a global term, what is the history, what is a web widget, a mobile widget, and what are the technology stack available out there for widget development. and How Maemo distingushes itself with QT and WRT.
- Benefit to Maemo Developers
- Clear understanding of the Overused Term Widget
- Know about Web Widgets and Mobile Widgets
- Understand the Current Trends in Mobile Development
- See the Definite Advantage of Maemo Platform for Widget Development
- Gain knowledge about Common Web Runtime and QT
- Learn about Widget Development in Maemo 5 and Future Maemo Devices
- Author bio
- Rajesh lal is a Nokia Research Engineer, Author, Technology Evangelist, and a Developer based in Mountain View, California. He has been involved in Widget development for last 5 years and have authored two books on Gadgets, and Widgets, namely Creating Vista Gadgets from Sams Publication and Professional Web Widgets by Wrox Publications. Rajesh holds a Master's degree in Computer Science, is a Code Project MVP and an Active member of ACM with experience in a variety of Mobile devices, namely Sony Mylo, Window's Mobile, Apple's Iphone, and Maemo devices.
We already have a Common Web Runtime presentation and also QT ones, what does this presentation cover that isn't covered elsewhere? -- baloo 13:37, 26 August 2009 (UTC)
Baloo, This presentation is not about QT or WRT, this is about the Widget in a global term, what is the history, what is web widget, mobile widget, and what are the technology stack available out there for widget development. How Maemo distingushes itself with QT and WRT. This presentation is about, How Maemo caters to both performance hungry developers (Qt) as well as the omnipresent web developers (WRT) as compared to other mobile development environment. -- Rajesh Lal 21:27, 29 August 2009 (UTC)
On the basis of the above information, it seems a interesting presentation for me, I'm going to say yes to this. -- Valério Valério 21:49, 30 August 2009 (UTC)
There is already a presentation on QT development for Harmatan and Maemo on Friday, plus several presentations on developing Qt applications in teh community days, plus the "Hildon toolkit for Fremantle" presentation, plus the Qt mobility talk. That seems like a lot of overlap to me. I vote no. --Dave Neary 19:33, 31 August 2009 (UTC)
Dave, This presentation is not about Qt, but is about the overused term Widget itself, along with the current trends in mobile development. Qt and WRT is the Maemo's answer, but why this is better than others needs a context, this presentation covers that, by giving a comparison to Android, Palm Pre, iPhone and Windows Mobile, and by showing the different kinds of technologies used for designing, developing and packaging widgets.-- Rajesh Lal 21:49, 1 September 2009 (UTC)
- Thanks for the update Rajesh. I'm going to vote no on this proposal. We're running out of space on the schedule, and I don't think that a talk on trends in mobile platforms will be particularly interesting to the public we're expecting to attend. --Dave Neary 15:39, 3 September 2009 (UTC)
[edit] WebKit Community: How It Works
- Ariya Hidayat, ariya dot hidayat at nokia dot com
- Intended audience: application developers
- Talk type: introduction and workshop
- Abstract/description
- WebKit has evolved over time into one of the most compelling HTML rendering engine currently in use. As an open-source project it stands out because of its size and because of the special collaboration between volunteer developers and companies.
- This presentation is not so much a presentation in the classic sense but planned as an introduction to the team rules of the WebKit project, e.g. how to create patches, ask for review, get in contact with the developer, etc. It will be followed by an extended question and answers session that should cover the most important and mots common questions.
- Author bio
- Ariya is a software engineer at Nokia, Qt Development Frameworks in Oslo. He is an open-source advocate for almost a decade, writing code for projects like KDE, WebKit and of course Qt. He posts lots of examples for Qt Labs Blogs on a biweekly basis, under the pretext of attracting more developers to use Qt (and hopefully grabbing the Most Prolific Blogger award). Ariya obtained his PhD in the field of high-speed optical communications. He speaks English with an Asian accent and cannot play any musical instruments.
No - there is already a Webkit talk
[edit] ContextKit - context awareness for Maemo and everybody else
Yes. --Valério Valério 10:24, 17 September 2009 (UTC)
Yes. --Dave Neary 10:23, 18 September 2009 (UTC)
- After consultation, there are more interesting and general presentations which would be better in this place --Dave Neary 16:53, 21 September 2009 (UTC)
Yes. --baloo 19:28, 20 September 2009 (UTC)
- Author: Marius Vollmer <>
- Intended audience: application developers/platform developers)
- Type: presentation
- Abstract
A lot of information is available from sensors and other sources that can make applications more 'aware' of the situation that a mobile device is in. The current location is an obvious example.
A new ContextKit collects these information about the environment of a device, combines many of them into something more abstract and exports it all in the form of simple key/value pairs to applications and other consumers. A long list of 'standard' properties is defined.
This presentation introduces the ContextKit to application and platform developers.
- Author bio:
Marius moved to Helsinki some uncounted years ago to work for Nokia on the Maemo platform. Now he has to re-learn C++ and compensates for this by finally learning Perl as well.
[edit] Money for nothing: Making money off free software
- Dave Neary, dneary at maemo dot org
- Intended audience: Application developers mostly
- Talk type: Presentation
- Abstract/description
- So how do you make money with free software? If you can't sell it, and anyone can compete with you for maintenance and support contracts, how do you make a living?
- This presentation will go over the basic economics of making money off free stuff, and give a bunch of ideas about useful ways to make a living doing what you love.
- Author bio
- Dave Neary has participated in many free software projects over the years. He was release manager of the GIMP, chairman of the GNOME Foundation, and community and product manager for the OpenWengo project. He is currently the Docmaster, a role where he works to enable the Maemo community to do great work, and an independent consultant helping companies work with and create healthy communities.
Presentation withdrawn by proposer
[edit] Midgard2: Content repository for your tablet and the web
The proposal description only explains what is Midgard, isn't clear what approach will be taken in the talk. I would like to see a more detailed description, referring the topics that will be discussed in the talk. -- Valério Valério 13:35, 14 August 2009 (UTC)
Agreed. Is this going to be a Midgard talk or how we can do cool stuff with Midgard and the tablets? --baloo 13:47, 14 August 2009 (UTC)
I agree with the call for more detail on what the thrust of the presentation will be. --Dave Neary 19:33, 31 August 2009 (UTC)
- We're looking like we'll be filling up lightning talks too. Let's just say no to this one. --Dave Neary 10:23, 18 September 2009 (UTC)
- Author: Henri Bergius, henri.bergius at iki dot fi
- Intended audience: Application Developers
- Talk type: presentation
- Abstract/description
- Midgard2 is an Open Source Content Repository providing an objectified view to the data and services surrounding it. At the basic level it abstracts the database access (SQLite, MySql, PostgreSQL) but this is only where it all starts. Serialization & replication, managing own storage objects, multi-process access to data are all covered. The fully object-oriented (GObject-oriented) API allows you to focus on the data, not the database syntax, regardless of what programming language you are working with. Midgard's content repository services allow you to easily write applications that keep their data synchronized between tablets, web and user's desktop computers.
- Author bio
- Henri Bergius is a former Viking based in the Nordic country of Finland. When he is not exploring the cave cities of Georgia or running with bulls in Pamplona, Bergie works on web services built on top of the Midgard toolkit. His company Nemein provides web solutions for several major companies in Finland and abroad. After half decade of regular web development, Henri got involved with free software in 1999 when he coordinated the public release of the Midgard content management system. Since then he has been actively working on integrating standards like RSS and Microformats into the system and traveling the world advocating for interoperation between open source CMSs. Henri's current passion is combining web services, mobile applications and socially produced geographical data together to build useful tools for travelers and mobile companies. To this end he is working on the GeoClue library that allows mobile Linux applications to easily become geo-aware. When duties allow, Bergie escapes the crunch to explore the hills of Lapland or rides his classic motorcycle. He is also an amateur pilot.
[edit] Qt 4.6: What is comming
Already addressed in other Qt talks. No. --Valério Valério 10:25, 17 September 2009 (UTC)
No. --Dave Neary 10:23, 18 September 2009 (UTC)
No. --baloo 19:35, 20 September 2009 (UTC)
- Authors: Anselmo Lacerda Silveira de Melo - anselmo.melo AT openbossa DOT org / Jesus Sanchez-Palencia jesus.palencia AT openbossa DOT org
- Intended audience: application developers
- Talk type: presentation
- Abstract/description
The next release of Qt is comming with brand new features, such as the State Machine Framework, the Animations API, S60 port, Scoped Pointers, Anchor Layout, performance optimizations in QGraphicsView, Multi-touch Gestures, Audio Services, GraphicsEffects, etc. The goal of the talk is to provide an overview of the benefits of each new feature and how they shall change the development of Qt applications. Also, some applications will be shown, running on Maemo 5 and S60, demonstrating how cross-platform Qt can be and what is ready for the new generation of Maemo devices.
- Author bio
Anselmo is a GNU/Linux user since 2002, works with Linux on embedded devices since 2006. Works for INdT as a researcher at the openBossa open-source stream, where develops rich UIs features for Qt and is also part of the Qt Labs Americas initiative. Whenever possible, he likes hunting bugs with the KDE Bugsquad.
Jesus works with Maemo since 2007, besides other embedded Linux projects since 2006. Has contributions to the ERESI project (Elf Reverse Engineering Software Interface), and nowadays works at openBossa, INdT open-source stream, where develops rich UIs features for Qt and is also part of the Qt Labs Americas initiative.
[edit] Spreading Qt in the New World
Not directly related to Maemo, and we already have other Qt talks approved. No. --Valério Valério 10:27, 17 September 2009 (UTC)
No. --Dave Neary 10:23, 18 September 2009 (UTC)
No. --baloo 19:35, 20 September 2009 (UTC)
- Author: Anselmo Lacerda Silveira de Melo - anselmo.melo AT openbossa DOT org
- Intended audience: Users / Application Developers
- Talk type: lightning talk
- Abstract/description
An introduction to Qt Labs Americas (, an initiative of openBossa stream of INdT aiming to spread Qt in the American continent, starting in Brazil. What have been done, what are the future plans and how the community can benefit from it.
- Author bio
GNU/Linux user since 2002, works with Linux on embedded devices since 2006. Works for INdT as a researcher at the openBossa open-source stream where develops rich UIs features for Qt and is also part of the Qt Labs Americas initiative. Whenever possible, he likes hunting bugs with the KDE Bugsquad.
[edit] Next generation layouts in Qt 4.6
Not sure, seems relevant, but this will not be explained in the other Qt talks ? --Valério Valério 10:30, 17 September 2009 (UTC)
No. --Dave Neary 10:23, 18 September 2009 (UTC)
Space dictates, no. --baloo 19:36, 20 September 2009 (UTC)
[edit] Next generation layouts in Qt 4.6
- Author: Caio Marcelo de Oliveira Filho - caio.oliveira AT
- Author: Eduardo M. Fleury - eduardo.fleury AT
- Intended audience: Users / Application Developers
- Talk type: presentation
- Abstract/description
With the release of N900, the first Maemo phone from Nokia, the importance of developing rich UI applications is higher than ever. As a consequence, new challenges are posed to both application and framework developers.
One of these challenges is how to distribute items on the screen in a flexible and dynamic way. This talk will present the next generation layouts we have been developing, together with Qt Development Frameworks, to fullfil such requirements
We will cover the new QGraphicsAnchorLayout, to be released in Qt 4.6, including the use cases that drove us, its usage and examples showing the benefits of such technology.
- Author bio
Caio Marcelo de Oliveira Filho graduated in computer engineering at UNICAMP (in Brazil) and GNU/Linux user for more than a decade. Contributed to the development of Canola2 and the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries. Today works for Openbossa/INdT developing new solutions for mobile applications using Qt framework and related technologies.
Eduardo Fleury is Brazilian, graduated as Computer Engineer at Unicamp, in 2006. Since then has been working in Linux-related projects. Currently works at INdT (Nokia Institute of Technology) developing, among other projects, the Qt framework. Has been working on tools designed for the creation of rich interfaces, including AnchorLayout and animated Layouts.
[edit] Test framework tool for Maemo devices
No. Limited interest, and we already have many tools talks. --Dave Neary 10:23, 18 September 2009 (UTC)
No. --Valério Valério 18:11, 19 September 2009 (UTC)
No. --baloo 19:36, 20 September 2009 (UTC)
- Author: Carlos Aguiar -, Fabio Almeida -, Luiz Nagata - and Jyrki Sippola -
- Intended audience: users/platform developers
- Talk type: presentation/demo
- Abstract/description:
- Companies usually develop their own tools for test and monitoring consoles directly into their products but these applications tools, in general, do not go out of production place and are not deployed for platform developers and final consumers. These solutions are closed and just for company use. The open source community provides many tools to test different functionalities like keyboard, display, wi-fi and so on, but they do not work together as an integrated solution.
- The proposal is to integrate different functional tests into a test framework tool for Maemo devices. This framework will be able to communicate with different test applications, control them, gather information and report status results, helping developers and users to identify problems, perform reliability tests and gather statistics. Also, it will be possible to extend this framework to support new test types.
- For demo presentation purposes the framework will run the following functional tests: keyboard, camera, audio, display and wi-fi.
- Author bio:
- Carlos, Fábio and Luiz are software developers at Nokia Technology Institute (INdT) at Manaus/Brazil working with Linux, Maemo and device tests. Currently we are involved on project that aims to build software solutions to guarantee quality on devices. Jyrki is responsible for manufacturing test related research projects at Nokia.
[edit] Designing Emulators for Mobile Devices
I would like to have it, since is a very different topic, and seems fun for me, but I have doubts about the expected audience. --Valério Valério 16:25, 4 September 2009 (UTC)
As agreed on IRC, with the few presentation slots left, this talk doesn't stand out at all. No from me - although it'd be a nice lightning talk. --Dave Neary 16:29, 4 September 2009 (UTC)
No - propose lightning talk
On the second thought, I think it can be safely expanded to a more general topic of Writing and Optimizing Software for Mobile Devices. Will this topic be of more interest to the audience? --Marat Fayzullin
Marat, are you interested in a lightning talk? I don't think that we'll reconsider your alternative topic. --Dave Neary 15:26, 9 September 2009 (UTC)
I can probably compress the talk down to 15-20 minutes, but 5 minutes allocated for lightning talks are not going to suffice however I arrange the talk. --Marat Fayzullin
- I guess we need to give you a straight yes/no then on whether the talk is accepted. --Dave Neary 18:10, 19 September 2009 (UTC)
Lightning talk + "come chat later if your interested" - yes, longer talk, no. --baloo 19:32, 20 September 2009 (UTC)
- Marat Fayzullin - RST38h on #maemo
- Intended audience: application developers
- Talk type: presentation
- Abstract/description
- Computer system emulation has been known for years. Recent revolution in mobile hardware makes it possible to run usable emulators on mobile devices, but some problems still remain. Limited performance, lack of proper controls, and widely varying screen sizes make it difficult to provide users with proper experience. This presentation will describe how the above problems can be worked around.
- Author bio
- Marat Fayzullin is an independent application developer specializing in software emulation of computer hardware. He has authored and maintains eight different emulators (some free, others commercial) for multiple platforms, from MSDOS to Maemo and Symbian. See for details.
[edit] Developing applications using Plasma
- Artur Duque de Souza - asouza AT kde DOT org / morpheuz AT gmail DOT com
- Intended audience: application developers
- Talk type: presentation
- Abstract/description
- KDE4 brought a new concept of desktop called "Plasma" where everything is a "live object". To achieve this, a library called libplasma was created and this is a very powerful library that enables any application to create modular and rich UIs. During this presentation I'll talk more about libplasma and how it can help the developer to create more attractive and rich UIs easily.
- Author bio
- Linux user since 1997, MoRpHeUz (a.k.a. Artur de Souza) worked for IBM (Linux Technology Center) and currently is working for INdT as a researcher at the openBossa stream, developing open-source solutions for mobile devices. One of the main core developers of Canola 2, now he works on bringing rich UIs to Qt applications.
[edit] PySide: Python for Qt And Automatic Bindings Generation
- Marcelo Lira dos Santos - - setanta on #maemo
- Intended audience: application developers/platform developers
- Talk type: presentation
- Abstract/description:
- The Python bindings for the Maemo Platform provided by PyMaemo are an all-time favorite among the Maemo developer community. Python must keep up with the recent addition of Qt to the Nokia offering for Maemo developers.
- PySide are the Python bindings for Qt framework developed by INdT (Instuto Nokia de Tecnologia) [1], and recently released under a LGPL license. The PySide [2] bindings target not only the desktop but were conceived to provide Qt for Python on the Maemo platform.
- Qt being a huge library, the task of creating bindings for any high level language must be automated as much as possible, while retaining the developer ability to adjust details to satisfy the particular target language demands. To tackle this problem, a binding generator for Python was developed based on QtScript Generator from Qt Development Frameworks. Developers of bindings for other Qt-based libraries could also benefit of this automated generation scheme.
- This talk will present PySide, describe its characteristics, show its current status on Maemo Platform and where the project is headed to. The binding generation tool will also be explained, as well as the common problems that arise when wrapping C++ libraries to high level languages such as Python.
- Author bio
- Marcelo is an active developer of PySide and PyMaemo projects at INdT and has been involved with Maemo apps development since N800. Nowadays he is working with automatic binding generation for C++ based libraries, like Qt.
- This page was last modified on 13 May 2010, at 11:59.
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