[edit] Statistics about PyMaemo
[edit] PyMaemo usage graphs
[edit] Software written using PyMaemo
(User-section packages in the extras-testing repository depending on python)
Updated 2011-04-12 by manually adding the package descriptions
- accdisplay - View/Record/Playback accelerometer's raw data in a graphical manner.
- anarchism - An exhaustive exploration of Anarchist theory and practice
- attitude - An artificial horizon and spirit level.
- comix - GTK Comic Book Viewer
- copernicium - Periodic table of chemical elements.
- dialcentral - Touch screen enhanced interface to the GoogleVoice phone service
- digghomewidget - Digg widget that sits on your desktop and let's you check the top Digg topics.
- ejpi - A Touch Screen Optimized RPN Calculator using Pie Menus
- fapn - GUI for adding a new GPRS APN
- feedingit - A RSS feed reader with portrait mode support
- fmradio - Turn the N900 into a FM radio
- freecell4maemo - An implementation of the classic Freecell cardgame for the Maemo platform.
- fschedule - Show movie schedule for cinemas:
- gcompris - Educational games for small children
- glogarchive - view, search, archive, export SMS/IM messages and calling-history from the eventlogger
- gonvert - Unit Conversions
- gpodder - A podcast aggregator for the Nokia N900
- greekiradio - Add greek internet radio stations from to Media Player radio list
- hermes - Enrich contacts' information from social networks
- homeip - homeip is a home widget made to display your ip on the desktop.
- jamaendo - Streaming media player that plays music from
- lybniz - Lybniz is a simple mathematical function graph plotter.
- mastory - Blogging from your hands.
- mclock - A large clock incl. a day/night world map.
- mediabox - Media Center for Nokia Internet Tablets
- mfefolders - Select which Mail for Exchange folders to synchronize.
- mgutenberg - E-book reader with Project Gutenberg integration
- mirror - Displays a real-time mirror image from the internal camera
- moodlight - Colorcycling screen and LED flashlight.
- n900fly - Uses the accelerometer to measure how high you can throw your n900
- openvpn-applet - Status menu plugin for controlling OpenVPN connections
- panucci - Play audio books, podcasts and live concerts with resuming
- pygtkeditor - PyGTKEditor is a source code editor specially designed for devices running Maemo.
- pyrecipe - Pyrecipe Recipe Manager
- python2.5-py2deb - Generate simple deb(/rpm) from python
- python2.5-qt4-experimental-doc - Python Qt bindings demos, examples and documentation
- python2.5-qt4-doc - Python Qt bindings demos, examples and documentation (PR1.2)
- quicknote - Simple note taking application in a similar vein as PalmOS Memos
- rapier - A sword based Bible reader for maemo.
- recaller - A widget to record all audio, be it as Dictaphone, Voicecalls or System sounds (FM and internet radio, game audio etc.) in various formats (e.g
- scrabbledict - A dictionary reference for Scrabble
- sgt-puzzles - Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection - 1-player puzzle games
- sleeper - A sleep widget to pause the music player (or Panucci or FM radio) after a user-defined time (in minutes). Can optionally also shutdown your N900
- solarwolf - Collect the boxes and don't become mad
- stockthis - The most complete stockquotes mobile application.
- stopwatch - A stopwatch and countdown application
- tennix - A funny 2D tennis game
- touchsearch - Desktop Widget which allows you to search the web
- witter - A twitter client in python
- zoutube - Browse and watch Youtube videos
- This page was last modified on 12 April 2011, at 19:08.
- This page has been accessed 7,131 times.