Maemo Summit 2008/Exhibit
Anyone want to be in charge on having a mini exhibit -- maybe for the OSiM Maemo booth as well as at the Maemo Summit? Someone can contact, coordinate, and round-up remarkable apps, hacks, and interfaces and help set them up so enthusiasts and guests can see and play with them. The objective here is to show what the Internet Tablet is capable of doing.
Here are some ideas: ( cleanup by Eric Warnke lets concentrate on community items )
I would like to see a handful of units out with a selection of "Born for Maemo" loaded on each as well as a number of non-conflicting Outstanding Utilities. Below are the items that I believe would be booth and OSiM friendly. The nice thing about this list is that we can consume any number of units with this same software and rotate what's being demo'ed easily. brontide 14:34, 27 July 2008 (UTC)
- Canola2
- Carman
- Maemo Mapper
- Maeno WordPy
- WorldTV99
- Numpty Physics
- OMWeather
- Personal Menu
- Personal Launcher
- Advanced Backlight
- USB Control
- Rotation support
- Quiver
- Large Statusbar clock
- MPlayer / mediaserv / tablet-encode (the entire video playback pipeline) - rm_you volunteer
- Connecting a Hard Drive (link 1, link 2) - volunteer bunanson 19:50, 24 July 2008 (UTC)
- Running VNC
- Client or server? I think I would want to load vnc server on many of the units to allow for us to "demo" on a monitor. brontide 14:34, 27 July 2008 (UTC)
- A2DP? - Is this ready to be demo'ed at OSiM?
- Shouldn't be a problem with demo'ing either ARM or DSP version, might be worth bringing some 3.5mm speakers to plug into a headset so more than one person can head the output -lardman 13:36, 28 July 2008 (UTC+1)
Nice to show, if we have enough demo units:
- Running Android
- I know we can, but is there legal issues here if does it? brontide 23:41, 25 July 2008 (UTC)
- I don't know. Why not asking them? Mike Jennings will come to OSiM, perhaps contacting in advance would a nice gesture. To avoid confusion, it should be clear that this is a move from - the Maemo community and nothing Nokia official (this will be clear in the stand, if only by seeing a big logo and many tablets with no-Maemo and non-Nokia 3rd party apps inside).--qgil 18:41, 26 July 2008 (UTC)
- Sounds good. I think one unit with Andriod would be great assuming we have enough units, but I would say it's low priority. brontide 14:34, 27 July 2008 (UTC)
- I don't know. Why not asking them? Mike Jennings will come to OSiM, perhaps contacting in advance would a nice gesture. To avoid confusion, it should be clear that this is a move from - the Maemo community and nothing Nokia official (this will be clear in the stand, if only by seeing a big logo and many tablets with no-Maemo and non-Nokia 3rd party apps inside).--qgil 18:41, 26 July 2008 (UTC)
- Running Garnet VM
Ideas that I don't think will work well: ( maybe at the summit )
- I think we should keep it to things we will have access to brontide 23:41, 25 July 2008 (UTC)
- The puppies are getting a bit old... I can ask the developers if you really want them there, though.--qgil 18:41, 26 July 2008 (UTC)
- IMHO, the puppies are very important - robotics is always at the forefront of media attention. Dont we just get some pics from Mars 2 months ago? I would strongly recommend to have the puppies presented.
- If we get the coverage for the table ( still WAYYY short on hours ) I will ask, but honestly I'm not expecting Nokia will just hand over the research hardware for a community table. If we don't get coverage it's a moot point. brontide 16:32, 30 July 2008 (UTC)
- Robots are cools and bring media attention, sure. This was one reason why I convinced the guys to go to GUADEC last year. I'm not sure we want to have media attention one year later about the same, Bora technology in the times of Fremantle.--qgil 19:56, 30 July 2008 (UTC)
- IMHO, the puppies are very important - robotics is always at the forefront of media attention. Dont we just get some pics from Mars 2 months ago? I would strongly recommend to have the puppies presented.
- Running Debian, KDE
- While interesting to hackers, I don't know how much of a splash they would make at OSiM. If we do a summit table then I think it would be great there. brontide 14:34, 27 July 2008 (UTC)
- If we have enough devices (I'm waiting for the exhibit to be confirmed to make an internal request) then why not. Tablets with full GNOME on Debian and Ubuntu, KDE, XFCE... are proofs of R&D that can be done with open devices. You can't just do this with most of devices fitting in your pocket. They are also proofs of concept for platform improvements and applications that could be brought on top of Maemo on the same hardware.--qgil 20:28, 31 July 2008 (UTC)
I'm more than willing to demonstrate things at both OSiM and the summit if the hardware can be organised (I have an n800 I can bring a long). -- baloo 19:50, 24 July 2008 (UTC)
I have my own laptop and N800 that can be used for the video pipeline demos, but it would be nice to show them on an N810 and not have to use my own hardware for demos if possible. -- Adam Harwell 04:39, 26 July 2008 (PST)
[edit] Signup
If this is to be a reality we have to have at least 24 hours of coverage ( guestimate ) 6hours x2 days x2 people. Signup below and then we will talk about what is realistic in terms of Demo's/Units.
- Eric Warnke - 2 hours
- Tim Samoff - 2 hours
- bunanson - 4 hours ( Connect HD and WorldTV99 ) Summit ONLY, no OSiM
- Alan Bruce - whatever you need (except during the Ari keynote and Maemo devsesh) :)
- Adam Harwell - whatever you need
- Andrew Zhilin - 4 hours, OMWeather (with Vlad Vasiliev), Personal Software (on behalf of Andrew "Personal" Olmsted)
- Jamie Bennett - Flexible, let me know what is needed. Do we have a coordinator for the 2 days? If not I'm willing to organise people.
- Teemu Sorvisto - Flexible schedule, general arrangements and normal stand duty when needed. I will bring 3 x N810s to OSiM World and Maemo Summit for demo purposes. In addition, I will bring a couple of roll-up screens and posters for the demo booth. Please contact me if you have questions about general demo/stand arrangements.
- Stephen Gadsby - as needed
I think I would request at least two of each, preferably three, N800 and N810, for a total of 4 (or 6) with ALL the accessories, USB cables, AC adapters etc.
- You are a volunteer. If you are demo-ing these projects what hardware support do you need? I will try and make one request to Nokia once we have enough coverage to make the booth possible brontide 02:26, 26 July 2008 (UTC)
[edit] Slot Schedule
Please fill your name in beside the slot(s) you are willing to man the booth.
Wednesday | ||
8am-10am | Jamie Bennett | Stephen Gadsby |
10am-11:45am | volunteer | volunteer |
Booth closed for Ari Jaaksi's keynote | ||
12:30pm-2pm | Stephen Gadsby | Adam Harwell Eric Warnke (if needed) |
2pm-4pm | Tim Samoff | Alan Bruce |
4pm-6pm | volunteer | volunteer |
Thursday | ||
8am-10am | Thomas Perl | Stephen Gadsby |
10am-11:45am | Eric Warnke | volunteer |
Booth closed for Nokia Dev Session | ||
2:30pm-4:30pm | Jamie Bennett | Adam Harwell |
I was waiting for others to sign up first as my schedule is extremely flexible and I was planning on helping fill the hard to fill spots, but now I'm wondering if everyone else is waiting for the same reason. --rm_you 17:23, 7 September 2008 (UTC)
Yeah me too :-) I will gladly fill in a few empty spots, put me where you want me! qole 16:30, 9 September 2008 (UTC)
It appears as though we should staff the booth more heavily following Ari's keynote. --sjgadsby 13:23, 10 September 2008 (UTC)
Flexible schedule here as well. Will show up wednesday and coordinate then. simon 00:22, 11 September 2008 (UTC)
[edit] Showcased Apps
Without wanting to upset developers who think their app should be demonstrated at the show I have made a list of app's that I think would give the most 'WOW factor'. These are not necessarily the most useful or highly regarded. Please note that when talking to a newcomer to the platform, bling, extensibility and potential are the important things in a 5 minute conversation.
- Canola2
- Carman
- Maemo Mapper
- Maemo WordPy
- WorldTV99
- Numpty Physics
- Rotation support (Show off evince for Amazon kindle competition?)
- MPlayer / mediaserv / tablet-encode (the entire video playback pipeline) - rm_you volunteer
- Connecting a Hard Drive
- VNC with laptop
- Mplayer with Big Bug Bunny
- ScummVM - Everyone loves Sam and Max.
Other bling
- MCE Guru - How would we set up a back end? Is it ready for a demo?
- liqbase - again, is it ready?
- Maemo Puppy - It may be old but any robot on a stand _WILL_ draw attention much more than bling on any screen.
Lets not forget that if we can keep an attendee at the booth for 5mins+ then its a bonus so short, sharp WOW's are needed.
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