Sprints/May 09
[edit] May 2009 Sprint planning
- Planning meeting: Thursday, 2009-05-07 at 13:30 UTC in #maemo-meeting.
- Right after Sprints/April 09 review.
- Followed by Sprints/June 09.
[edit] Tasks
Ongoing tasks carried here from the previous sprint + New tasks committed by their owners in the sprint meeting. They come from the tasks in the Backlog and the Proposals.
Completed | Good progress | Just standing | Some help needed! | Really stuck/delayed |
Task ID | Committed | Due date | Task | Sprint priority | Owner | Percentage complete | Notes |
8.11-01 | 2008-11-04 | May 09 | Texts for | Should | Quim | 20% | No progress due to many internal tasks. Jussi has given me an ultimatum for the June sprint. |
9.02-01 | 2009-02-04 | April 09 | List Maemo bugzilla patches - create patchset | Should | Andre | 40% | Some progress but not as much as wanted, mainly due to other stuff and to massive Fremantle testing (I consider this important to do currently). Make this a MUST for July. |
9.03-01 | 2009-03-05 | May 09 | Maemo Summit 2009 - finalise venue | Must | Quim | DONE | Maemo Summit 2009 will be held in WesterGasFabriek |
9.04-02 | 2009-04-06 | April 09 | Git For Garage - garage integration | Must | Ferenc | 90% | Gitweb is functional, the skin is not matching garage. Got no time working on it. Must be pushed to June. |
9.04-05 | 2009-04-06 | May 09 | Implement new layout and style - Bugzilla | Must | Ryan | 80% | Sent the templates off to Andre. Waiting on progress there. |
9.04-07 | 2009-04-06 | May 09 | Karma for applications - implement | Should | indeyets | 60% | Application-stats are gathered since 2009-06-10 |
9.04-08 | 2009-04-06 | May 09 | ITP process/workflow | Could | jeremiah | 90% | Have a rough prototype up and running on test.m.o -> |
9.04-09 | 2009-04-06 | May 09 | Setup SSO testing environment | Must | Daniel | 75% | The test environment is running containing a ldap server, CAS, Mediawiki integrated with CAS, and an easy UI to create new test users. Accounts for the people, who work actively with it created. Follow as well the status: status. |
9.04-10 | 2009-04-06 | May 09 | Run a test build of all Diablo Extras packages on Fremantle | Must | Jeremiah | 75% | I will try to build as many packages from diablo as possible and file bugs when found, contact developers when needed. Built a build order list for extras-devel, Niels wrote a script to automate build of libs from that. Still some packages needed to build. |
9.05-01 | 2009-05-07 | May 09 | Git For Garage - UI | Must | Ferenc | 99% | Change requests received to convert svn "branches" to real git branches. Therefore task is still open. |
9.05-02 | 2009-05-07 | May 09 | Task:Using | Could | Ferenc | 0% | |
9.05-03 | 2009-05-07 | May 09 | Moderators and moderation for Brainstorm | Must | Dave | DONE | Moderators all informed, sent to Council |
9.05-04 | 2009-05-07 | May 09 | Break down Summit into subtasks | Should | Dave | DONE | See Summit planning page. Current top priority is the call for content. Nokia events will do much of the preparation of the site & parties. |
9.05-05 | 2009-05-07 | May 09 | Style and layout for MXR | Must | Ryan | 20% | Started playing with the templates, but probably can't finish this month. Having VCS issues and don't really have time to resolve them with work. |
9.05-06 | 2009-05-07 | May 09 | Style and layout for lists | Must | Niels | 100% | done |
9.05-07 | 2009-05-07 | May 09 | Style and layout for Extras promoter | Must | Niels | 100% | done |
9.05-08 | 2009-05-07 | May 09 | Brainstorm documentation | Should | Ryan | 0% | Will start looking next week. |
9.05-09 | 2009-05-07 | May 09 | Finish up alternative desktop environments | Could | qole | 35% | Need screen shots, 2x text for all projects |
9.05-10 | 2009-05-07 | May 09 | Create Emulators and virtual machines | Could | qole | 0% | Probably not happening this month. |
9.05-11 | 2009-05-07 | May 09 | Create alternative operating systems sticky for Talk | Should | qole | Done | |
9.05-12 | 2009-05-07 | May 09 | Put together minimal Extras QA | Should | Jeremiah | DONE | Read that long and confusing QA page. Began discussion with Niels and have started coding. Would like greater participation from everyone on the wiki. |
[edit] Activity log
Latest activity report goes on top.
- 2009-06-18
- Andre
- Today: Create Conboy and Password Safe Look in Extras; play with Ryan's Newstyle patch; Continue updating reports wrt Fremantle (Testing, Reproducing etc)
- Last two days: Updating reports wrt Fremantle (Testing, Reproducing etc); Thinking about Fremantle bug objectives & querying stats; internal weekly report
- 2009-06-17
- Dave
- Today: Get the Call for Content out, catch up with various discussions on documentation, start work on install locally
- Yesterday: Contribute to "Publishing developer documentation" thread, finish call for content, and set up stand for the Salon des Entrepreneurs (local association)
- Jeremiah
- About half an hour of bug filing and working in the SDK (like qole's mount issue)
- Building diablo packages for fremantle. Script needs work.
- Some internal discussions about SDK content and such
- Neithan
- Maemo project management
- Going through Maemo buglist
- Fixed bugs #4351 and #4497
- 2009-06-16
- Jeremiah
- Working on tools to integrate with package promotion web front end
- hacked on which moves packages around
- Discussion with SDK folks about libraries
- Bergie
- Brainstorm launch: configuration, blog entry, microblogging etc
- Project management Skype call with Tero and Ferenc
- NetBlade
- Fixing deleting of idea and solution in Brainstorm
- 2009-06-15
- Andre
- Today: Look at open H-A-M bugs and update wrt Fremantle; Check/Fix group access permissions (thanks Quim for telling me about issues!); Create eCoach product in Extras; Think about Fremantle bug objectives
- Friday: Import outstanding api doc bugs; Normal sync/bugmail gruntwork; Continue updating reports wrt Fremantle (Testing, Reproducing etc)
- Niels
- Friday: Worked on some bugs. Worked on Task:Package_QA_web_interface
- Today: Look at autobuilder issue, talk with Ferenc about supporting plain git on
- NetBlade
- HTML-entities and url-encoding issues in Brainstorm
- 2009-06-12
- Andre
- Today: Import outstanding api doc bugs; Normal sync/bugmail gruntwork; Think about Fremantle bug objectives; Continue updating reports wrt Fremantle (Testing, Reproducing etc)
- Yesterday: Discussing doc issues; Update&document doc bugs handling in Bugsquad wikipages; Documented for Extras maintainers how to get a bugzilla entry; Created OmWeather and BlueMaemo in Bugzilla.
- Dave
- Today: Draft call for content for Maemo Summit, push along content committee for conference
- Yesterday: Email and forums. Mostly got waylaid working on the Gran Canaria Desktop Summit and helping co-ordinate a conference stand for a local non-profit.
- Jeremiah
- Building some apps in fremantle
- Considering how to remove python apps in the SDK and releasing them to the world
- Alexey
- Helped Niels to trace-down some weird package-installation bug (related to App Karma task). Outcome: midgard-bug
- 2009-06-11
- Niels
- Today: Work on app voting, Work on productsstats from app karma, brainstorm fixes, Package QA interface.
- Dave
- Today: Finalise initial list of moderators for Brainstorm
- Last few days: Working out issues with Fremantle beta, working on bugs, initial planning for, Council public IRC meeting.
- Andre
- Today: Discussing doc issues + some Fremantle bug objectives; Update&document doc bugs handling in Bugsquad wikipages; Import outstanding api doc bugs of modules that are not handled in public; Continue updating reports wrt Fremantle (Testing, Reproducing etc)
- Yesterday: Add 'docs' keyword and split doc bugs into general and api-refs; Updating reports wrt Fremantle (Testing, Reproducing etc)
- Jeremiah
- Worked on the inotify interface to incoming packages to fremantle, that looks perhaps ready to use. Need to confer with Niels on when and how to move away from cron
- Styled itp.cgi a bit since people said it looked web 1.0 (or web 0.5 :p)
- Rambo
- Fix potential HTMLPurifier issue with html (from latex docs) import
- 2009-06-10
- Andre
- Today: Add 'docs' keyword and split doc bugs into general and api-refs; Updating reports wrt Fremantle (Testing, Reproducing etc)
- Yesterday: Updating reports wrt Fremantle (Testing, Reproducing etc); internal weekly report
- Alexey
- Today: org.maemo.productstats component is running and gathering stats for App-karma
- Jeremiah
- Major hacking on ITP, testing, fixing bugs, exposing it to users to test
- itp.cgi will be used for RFP as well
- NetBlade
- Fiquring out why css-files aren't working in Brainstorm
- 2009-06-09
- Niels
- Today: Website bug fixing, work on QA interface doc.
- Jeremiah
- Connecting database to front-end cgi
- This should allow us a way to search and see which packages are already in maemo, packages coming in, and what package people want
- NetBlade
- figuring out why css-file for brainstorm isn't working at and instructing Niels how to fix it
- 2009-06-08
- Niels
- Friday: Checked aftermath of webserver harddisk failure issues, tested products stats module for App karma, checked clutter dependency fixes on autobuilder.
- Today: Fixes for Downloads automatic import script (version issue),more app karma testing, attend council meeting. Look at broken packages in extras.
- Andre
- Today & Friday: Mostly updating report statuses wrt Fremantle (Testing, Reproducing etc)
- Alexey
- Added workaround for a bug in midgard, which messed stats-dates (App Karma task)
- 2009-06-06
- Jeremiah
- More work on itp.cgi, weekend hacking is fun
- NetBlade
- Fixing after broken configuration
- Images-widget to Brainstorm
- 2009-06-05
- Jeremiah
- Hacked on itp.cgi, the interface to creating an "Intent to Package" event.
- NetBlade
- brainstorm image-listing and magnifying
- Neithan
- updating brainstorm files to dratini
- 2009-06-04
- Jeremiah
- Hacked maemian mostly, integrating upstream code base
- Nokia changes available
- rambo
- Fix images datatype problems
- Bergie
- Helped Niels and Alexey with App Karma counter
- Alexey
- Continuing work on stats-grabber for app-karma
- 2009-06-03
- Andre
- Yesterday: Mostly some Scratchbox bugs reproducing and testing
- Today: Some Brainstorm discussing & beta-testing; hacking on my Greasemonkey scripts
- Dave
- Yesterday: Continued discussion on brainstorm moderators. Niels had some suggestions about adding moderator groups per brainstorm module to ensure that only moderators who are competent to change state of ideas do so. I'm not convinced it's a problem. Invitations for initial moderators sent. Awaiting replies.
- Today: Bits & pieces - email, bugs & forums. Mostly working on a different project.
- Niels
- Yesterday: Caught up on email, got good news on bug 4503. Updated and worked on stats. Discussed brainstorm workflow with Dave. Lots of minor things.
- Today: Plot out QA plan. Discuss with Jeremiah who does what. Talk to Alexey about App Karma.
- Jeremiah
- Maemian upstream integration, styling, and logic changes
- Maemian actually parses debs and spits out info, still lots of warnings though
- Bergie
- Status meeting with Tero
- Alexey
- Started implementation of stats-grabber for app-karma
- 2009-06-02
- Niels
- Friday: Traveled to Copenhagen, had some great discussions at the social event at ITU.
- Saturday: Had some talks about autobuilding with developers. Decreased autobuilder and repository processing delays for Fremantle Extras-devel. Ported some libs to Fremantle, tested some extras-devel apps out on the developer device. Worked on enhancements for Downloads
- Sunday: Talked with Fennec guys about how to provide updates through Extras. Had discussions with Mer guys about how to offer Nokia binaries for Mer through Looked at a demonstration of OBS by David Greaves to see how Mer uses this service. Sat down with Andre and Soumya to push bug #4503. Discussed the use of Transiflex for community translations.
- 2009-06-01
- Dave
- Friday: Made good progress on Brainstorm - discussed with Henri, council and Andre, copying Ubuntu brainstorm moderator guidelines, prepared initial proposal for moderators
- Today: Short day today. Follow up on moderators, adding a few more people on suggestion of council. Awaiting approval before sending out invitations.
- Jeremiah
- Recovering from MozMae! :)
- Neithan
- Maemo bugs 4368 and 4358
- bug 4352
- Alexey
- implemented sorting of products by app-karma (now we need to, actually, get that karma numbers for apps)
- 2009-05-31
- Andre (at Mozilla/Maemo Danish weekend)
- Yesterday: collected bugs and added "upstream" keyword them; write guidelines for Cloning internal bugs; fixed obsolete milestones so Bugzilla database sanity check succeeds; conference talks/presentations/discussions
- Today: Some triaging; discussed bug 4503 with Niels & Soumya; conference talks/presentations/discussions
- Jeremiah (at Mozilla/Maemo Danish weekend)
- Pulled down the fennec deb to try to do some reverse engineering
- Spoke with the Mozilla team about packaging fennec
- 2009-05-30
- Jeremiah (at Mozilla/Maemo Danish weekend)
- Worked a bit with Kees to get gary's liqbase into a deb
- Conferencing with the rest of the folks, listening to talks, etc.
- Short discussion with Niels about autobuilding
- 2009-05-29
- Dave
- Yesterday: - Meetings with Soumya and Jarmo, Stefan, a detailed discussion with Murray, more exchanges with Fred, and a good exchange between Murray, Jarmo and myself on the new docs infrastructure.
- Today: Continue discussion on docs, try to figure out the major issues with the proposed architecture. Research Ubuntu Brainstorm. Talk to Jaffa, GA, Henri about what they expect from moderation guidelines and moderators.
- Jeremiah
- Maemian hacking.
- Finally fixed a bug that was plaguing me on test.m.o but did not exist in later versions of debian, (test.m.o is debian etch).
- 2009-05-28
- Dave
- This week: Work through several documentation bugs, catch up with email, forums, and start plans for - talked to Fred Peters to get more technical details about
- Today: Phone meeting with Jarmo and Soumya about coproduction of Maemo documentation, first draft of moderator guidelines for Maemo ideas, talk to Murray and Stefan about requirements and path to attaining them.
- Jeremiah
- Trying to track down a bug in one of the maemian perl modules
- Sent a mail to lintian team about it, and have filed a bug in Perl's RT
- Bergie
- Design work on app karma
- 2009-05-26
- Niels
- Yesterday: Worked on garage performance issues. Added new styling skin for promoter.
- Today: Look at autobuilder version comparison issue. Work on Package QA and interface.
- Bergie
- Hacking on Maemo Brainstorm
- 2009-05-25
- Niels
- Today: Work on garage performance issues. Add new styling skin for promoter. Talk to Jeremiah about the package database etc.
- 2009-05-22
- Jeremiah
- Working on maemian, did a test run on some .dsc files
- Found a way to add uploaders to the packaging database
- Needs more discussion with Niels before implementation
- Alexey
- Changed url-schema of net.nehmer.account to fix #3854
- 2009-05-21
- Jeremiah
- Sending some more packages to the automated builder
- Serious work on maemian
- 2009-05-20
- Niels
- Today: Automatically rebuild all libs from diablo for fremantle.
- Andre
- Last days: Normal Triage/Sync; Clean up oops/admin group in Bugzilla; Contact packagers using maemo-select-menu-location; Bug 3846...
- Today: Monthly Feature Jar; bug 3846
- Tomorrow&Friday: Two days off
- Bergie
- Fix authentication issues with favouriting
- 2009-05-19
- Jeremiah
- Packaging discussion with Jani
- Began work on maemian, coding in earnest
- Discussed a bit automated package building with Niels, wrote out a build order for extras-devel
- Niels
- Last Thursday: Worked on website bugs and did a run of the automatic import for Extras -> Downloads, there are a few little issues but seemed to work.
- Today: Catch up on email. Create script which automatically tries to build all libs in Diablo Extras for Fremantle.
- Daniel
- working on test environment:
- CAS is running
- LDAP directory contains few test accounts
- Wiki is integrated
- working on GForge and User Management
- will update the wiki today
- working on test environment:
- 2009-05-15
- Jeremiah
- Building diablo packages in the autobiulder
- Surfed iTT and #maemo
- 2009-05-14
- Jeremiah
- Building packages from diablo in fremantle
- Blogged about packaging resources
- Created a simple python app to be used as a packaging example
- Surfing iTT for packaging problems
- Rambo
- Cache issues investigation
- 2009-05-13
- Niels
- Yesterday and Monday: Worked on website bugs, fixed some styling issues, had some QA discussions and started to draw up an idea for the repository management interface for QA.
- Today: Work on more website bugs and work on the Extras QA scripts/backend.
- Friday, weekend, Monday: Not available because of a short trip.
- Andre
- Yesterday & Monday: Lots of syncing/forwarding issues; internal weekly report; short discussion about status whiteboard usage with GA
- Today: Work on diffsets for bug 3846...
- Jeremiah
- Began porting diablo packages to fremantle
- Created a script that pushes packages into the incoming fremantle builder
- 2009-05-12
- Dave
- Friday: Bank holiday here in France for VE Day
- Sunday: Ran my first marathon in Geneva in 2h26:33
- Yesterday: Caught up with email and backlog
- Today: Start work on the Maemo Summit sub-tasks checklist
- Jeremiah
- Discussing approach to QA Niels
- Working with garage.m.o and testing.m.o to create git repos
- Setting up local environment to do diablo package building
- 2009-05-11
- Niels
- Friday: Worked on some website bugs, tested Brainstorm. Created a script for api documentation sync.
- Today: Work on website bugs. Discuss concrete implementation plans for Extras QA with Jeremiah.
- Jeremiah
- More QA policy discussion
- Working on a database schema to use for QA testing
- Looking at lintian source
- NetBlade
- Bugfixes to Brainstorm
- Rambo
- Talking with Niels about the cache issues
- 2009-05-08
- Ryan
- Yesterday: Chaired Sprint review.
- Today: Inputing all of the May tasks (whew!).
- Jeremiah
- Sprint review - well done Ryan!
- Finishing up search prototype
- Quim
- Yesterday: opened tmo threads for sprint tasks Task: Maemo Brainstorm & Task:Single sign-on for - |sprint meeting - ping WesterGasFabriek to get their budget for Summit venue - feedback on Maemo Brainstorm. Not in the sprint but relevant: work on promotion of Mozilla Maemo Danish Weekend.
- Today: Proposal of Brainstorm categories - expecting to get the budget from WesterGasFabriek + work on promotion of Mozilla Maemo Danish Weekend.
- Bergie
- Status meeting with Tero
- NetBlade
- Styling Brainstorm
- 2009-05-06
- NetBlade
- Finalizing Brainstorm
- 2009-05-05
- Jeremiah
- Updating external repos list
- Built prototype -> here
- NetBlade
- refactoring some listing handlers in Brainstorm after more spesifications
- 2009-05-04
- Jeremiah
- Started hacking on a search script for packages
- 2009-05-01
- Jeremiah
- A little community chatter in #maemo and on lists
- Gave the queue-manager a punch in the stomach to get it to index things.
- Re-installing fremantle 5 beta SDK
- NetBlade
- Brainstorm listing handlers and planning
- This page was last modified on 4 May 2010, at 09:55.
- This page has been accessed 102,244 times.