You can find more info on first post of tmo thread. Info
[edit] Feature Requests for v2
1) user-editable rc file that gets read on lpsm startup[BR] sample ~/.lpsmrc
date.format=dd/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss interval=60
or have a template file:
%img:calendar% %date:MM/dd/YY% %img:clock% %uptime% %img:cpu% %cpu% %% %img:load% %load:1% %load:5% %load:15% %img:power% %battery:percent% %battery:capacity% mAh %img:mem% %mem% %%
admiral0: second is being in the works. Example
%wifi{Icon} %wifiPower{wlan0}
Plugins can register for any prefixes.
2) easy way to restart/reread rc file {via command line}
admiral0: sighup? I'll take a look
3) on-demand image generation {for testing mostly} admiral0 how do you think i'm testing? :D
4) plugin support {for, e.g.: unread text count. thats the one id write, anyway} {i would make all the built-in ones just be plugins as well; would give folks a jumping off place and makes good design sense}
admiral0: i call them renderers, not plugins but idea is the same.
wolke: awesome! thats 4 for 4. thanks! --
How about the ability to change the colour, from white to user-definable colour?
Any way to add info showing avg. battery usage in mA? Thank you.
[edit] Planned Features for v2
* C++ rewrite * plugin system
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