GSoC 2009/Projects/BitTorrent plugin for Canola/Report3
This is my third report for Canola2 plugin. A month has passed from last report. I had much progress previous time so I took some time off to think about fresh ideas for the plugin. In the end of July and in the beginning of August I implemented some new features:
- Cleaned up the code
- Removed download button from torrent feed list, now the download option is located under the options menu for fullscreen feed entry view. If there are remote Transmission instances, the download destination for them is also shown. Throbber window is also displayed while download is started.
- Max connections per torrent option in active downloads list
- Upload rate option in active downloads list
- Besides RSS feeds I implemented few built-in search engines: LegalTorrents, The Pirate Bay, Mininova
- More abstract feed entry view - it now fits for search results also. Depending on the context some fields are unavailible.
- Replaced the icon with the bubble style icon
Generally the plugin seems to be reaching maturity level enough to be called release candidate. There are some features that could be implemented in the future:
- Browsing torrent content (file names and sizes)
- Switching between local transmission and built-in BitTorrent for local engine
- More abstract and generic implementation for search engines
- Catergories (Audio, video, books) for search engines
So far I am in the schedule and I am taking next weeks until evaluation to:
- Write detailed user manual covering all the use scenarios for the plugin
- Write how-to about writing plugins for Canola2. This also includes helpful program pieces that I wrote to assist myself.
- Debug and clean up the code
By the end of august we will have a kick-ass Torrent plugin for Canola2. You can help by testing:
- This page was last modified on 12 February 2010, at 09:57.
- This page has been accessed 7,134 times.