Eclipse integration/ReleaseNotes beta2
[edit] Release Notes for Maemo Eclipse Integration Edition 2 Beta 2 release
This Maemo Eclipse Integration Edition 2 Beta 2 release supports Maemo Diablo 4.1.2 development environment with N800, N810 and N810 Wimax Edition devices and Maemo Fremantle 5.0 SDK Beta development environment (with coming new devices).
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[edit] Release Information
- Project: Maemo Eclipse Integration Edition 2
- Version: Beta 2
- Baselines: Maemo Diablo 4.1.2 SDK and Maemo Fremantle 5.0 SDK Beta (as installable addon)
- Date: 2009-07-03
[edit] General Information
Eclipse Integration components now support the latest Debian based Linuxes, Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista SP1 and Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard all with x86/32bit architectures.
Support for other than above listed operating systems has not been tested but should be possible if it supports Eclipse IDE, if similar functionality to Host PC Connectivity is available for that operating system (for example most Linuxes should have that) and if chosen operating system is able to run Maemo SDK Virtual Image (in practice supports either QEmu, VMWare or VirtualBox).
Maemo Eclipse Integration includes the following parts:
- Eclipse 3.4.2 IDE (Ganymede SP2) for C/C++ Developers (official release from
- Maemo PC Connectivity (Diablo extras-devel and Fremantle extras-devel repository versions)
- Host PC Connectivity for Linux, Windows XP/Vista and Mac OS X (PC Connectivity Garage project versions)
- Maemo ESbox plugin for Eclipse v2.0.0M5 (Esbox Garage project version)
- Maemo Pluthon plugin for Eclipse v2.0.0M5 (Pluthon Garage project version)
- Maemo Mica plugin framework for Eclipse v2.0.0M5 (Mica Garage project version)
- Maemo SDK Virtual Images v0.10 (to support other than Debian based Linuxes)
- Maemo C/C++ and Python programming language support (Diablo extras and Fremantle extras-devel repository versions)
- Maemo Flasher-3.5 Tool Beta versions
Detailed list of new features implemented to Maemo Eclipse Integration since previous Beta 1 release together with feature plan for next Beta 3 and 4 releases is here.
Known issues for Beta 2 release
Basic product information and installation instructions for all Beta 2 components can be found from their projects.
[edit] Operating Systems Supported
- full support for same x86 32-bit Linux Ubuntu distributions that Maemo SDK releases support (Ubuntu Intrepid fully tested)
- good support for x86 32-bit Windows XP with SP3 and Vista with SP1, Cygwin used as Linux porting framework
- good support for x86 32-bit Mac OS X 10.0.5 Leopard, MacPorts used as Linux porting framework
- see instructions how to setup and configure different operating system support: and
[edit] Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers
- product information:
- Eclipse download if separate download wanted:
- list of generic Eclipse components included:
- ESbox and Pluthon installation packages available from Garage include all needed Eclipse components for the release, including Eclipse 3.4.2 IDE itself (recommended installation method for this Beta 2 release)
- For already installed Eclipse 3.4.2 IDE ESBox and Pluthon environments can be upgraded using Eclipse Update Site (not fully tested or supported installation method for Beta 2 release)
[edit] Maemo PC Connectivity
- product information:
- installation instructions for Maemo device and Linux, Windows and Mac OS X host PCs:
- documentation and configuration instructions:
- main features:
- support for Linux (Debian based), Windows (XP and Vista) and Mac OS X (Leopard)
- full connectivity support with USB, BlueTooth and WLAN for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X
- full ssh, sftp, vnc and disk mount support for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X host PCs
- support for both Diablo and Fremantle SDK
- full support for VNC clients (native and Eclipse VNC plugin support)
- full support for Maemo device configuration with control panel applet and status bar plugin
- native SBRSH (Scratchbox Remote Shell) support for Linux, Win and Mac OS X to launch applications from SDK to run on Maemo device
- SFTP support to access Maermo device file system with native host PC GUI clients
- support for installing Host PC Connectivity components for Linux, Win and Mac OS X host PCs
- easy installation using apt-tool in Maemo device to install from Maemo Diablo or Fremantle extras-devel repository
- Maemo device configuration applet allows easy configuration of sbrsh, vnc, unfs3, etc.
- Maemo device configuration applet supports several configuration environments that store configuration infrormation for many services and connection types
- status bar plugin can be used to easily switch between predefined environments
- PC Connectivity functionality is independent from Eclipse IDE e.g. usable also without installing Eclipse IDE
- initial support for tools automating configuration of PC Connectivity on host PC
- PC Connectivity environment settings can be backed up with osso-backup application (for example before reflashing Maemo device)
[edit] Maemo ESBox plugin for Eclipse
- product information:
- installation and configuration instructions for Maemo device and Linux, Windows and Mac OS X host PCs:
- main features:
- easy PC-Device connectivity with Maemo PC Connectivity
- C, C++ and Python programming language support
- templates for the most common type of Maemo applications
- full support for Linux and good support for Windows and Mac OS X host PCs
- full connectivity support for Maemo device with SSH, RSE and SBRSH from Linux, Windows and Mac OS X
- support for both Diablo and Fremantle SDKs
- import Eclipse projects from Maemo SDK and Debian packages
- C/C++ debug/optimized configuration support
- support for P2 update site for ESbox
- installation wizard for Scratchbox, Diablo SDK and Fremantle SDK
- installation wizard for Maemo SDK development environments (like Python, C/C++, Flasher-3.5, OProfile, ...)
- build application with x86 target
- launch and test application on x86 target
- debug application on x86 target
- search for memory leaks using Valgrind on x86 target
- cross-compile application with ARMEL target
- debug application on the Maemo device using GDB or GDB Server
- performance test on Maemo device using OProfile
- Maemo installation package creation wizard
- Maemo Flasher-3.5 tool wizard
[edit] Maemo Pluthon plugin for Eclipse
- product information:
- installation and configuration instructions for Maemo device and Linux, Windows and Mac OS X host PCs:
- main features:
- easy PC-Device connectivity with Maemo PC Connectivity
- Python programming language support
- templates for the most common type of Maemo applications
- develop application directly on the Maemo device
- debug application on the Maemo device using pyDev
- full support for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X host PCs
- full connectivity support for Maemo device with SSH, RSE and SBRSH from Linux, Windows and Mac OS X
- support for P2 update site for Pluthon
- installation wizard to setup Python development environment for host PC and Maemo device
- Maemo installation package creation wizard
- Maemo Flasher-3.5 tool wizard
- Updated Fremantle Python tutorial and manual
[edit] Maemo Mica plugin framework for Eclipse
- product information:
- documentation for developers who want to develop their own Maemo plugins using Mica:
- main features:
- general framework for Maemo Eclipse plugin development
- uses latest stable Eclipse components (compatible with Eclipse Ganymede SR2)
- Scratchbox 1 installer wizard and SDK installer wizard
- support for both Diablo and Fremantle SDK
- supports SSH, RSE and SBRSH for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X
- Flasher-3.5 wizard for flashing Maemo device from Eclipse IDE
- support for P2 update site
- Mica Garage site releases, documentation and services usable for plugin developers
[edit] Maemo SDK Virtual Image
- product information:
- installation and configuration instructions:
- images can be downloaded from here:
- instructions how to upgrade Ubuntu Desktop images from Beta 1 to Beta 2 level are here:
- main features:
- Ubuntu Intrepid Server based Maemo SDK Virtual Image for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X
- full support for VMWare and QEMU virtualization technologies
- do-it-yourself support for VirtualBox
- server image includes basic Ubuntu Intrepid Server and Host PC Connectivity environment preconfigured and Maemo Diablo and Fremantle Development Environments can be installed with Eclipse installation wizard automatically
- server image does not include installers for GuestAdditions (for VirtualBox) and OpenVMTools (for VMWare) but they can be installed separatelly is needed as instructed here
- Ubuntu Intrepid Desktop based Maemo SDK Virtual Image for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X
- out-of-the-box ready Ubuntu Intrepid Desktop based image
- desktop image includes fully configured Maemo Diablo Development Environment for Eclipse and Fremantle Development Environment can be installed with Eclipse installation wizard automatically
- desktop image preinstalled ESbox Beta 1 environment can be updated to Beta 2 level with these instructions
- desktop image includes installers for GuestAdditions (for VirtualBox) and OpenVMTools (for VMWare)
- installer/tool to configure Maemo SDK Virtual Images for VirtualBox usage
- instructions how to use SDK Virtual Images with Eclipse IDE on different operating systems:
- Ubuntu Intrepid Server based Maemo SDK Virtual Image for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X
[edit] Maemo C++ and Python programming language support
- product information:
- C++ documentation:
- Python documentation:
- By default, the Maemo development environment supports C programming language but you may add support for other programming languages. Instructions how to install Maemo support for C++ and Python application development can be found from here
- The Maemo development environment defines helpful meta packages that install all the components and tools for C++ and Python development for the for Maemo SDK and Maemo device. Maemo Eclipse Integration will install these meta packages automatically into your environment if you have not done it already when you create your first C++ or Python project.
[edit] Known Issues
- latest version of known issues for Beta 2 release (feel free to update this wiki page)
- Diablo 4.1.2 device requires kernel patch from here to be flashed to the Maemo device for USB Networking to work with Windows host PC
- Diablo 4.1.2 device requires hildon-desktop patch to be installed to the Maemo device from pc-connectivity Garage repository (see instructions from here for VNC client to work on host PC
- Ubuntu Desktop based Maemo SDK Virtual Image (out-of-the-box ready development environment) includes Beta 1 level Eclipse and PC Connectivity environment but can be easily updated to Beta 2 level with these instructions
- Updating process from Eclipse Update Site (update from beta 1 to beta 2) may not work for some plug-ins
[edit] Installation Notices
Notice 1: If only Maemo Pluthon plugin for Eclipse is used for Python on device development it does not reguire Maemo SDK installation on host PC.
Notice 2: All configurations require Maemo PC Connectivity to be installed and configured to work to the Maemo device and Host PC Connectivity to the host PC BEFORE installation of Eclipse components can be started.
Notice 3: All Eclipse components can be installed from ESbox or Pluthon garage projects, PC Connectivity from Diablo extras-devel or Fremantle extras-devel repository and SDK Virtual Images and Flasher-3.5 tool from maemo development environment download page
Notice 4: Eclipse 3.4.2 IDE for C/C++ Developers and all needed generic Eclipse plugins and ESbox and Pluthon plugins can be installed together with installation packages available from ESbox and Pluthon garage projects.
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- This page was last modified on 13 April 2010, at 13:45.
- This page has been accessed 8,798 times.