Task:Mer Repository Setup
As part of the Mer bootstrapping process, a repository at http://repository.maemo.org/community/ will have to be set up.
Repository layout
Suite: unstable Codename: amoeba Components: main Architectures: i386 armel (all)
(later we will have a stable distribution)
Upload possibilities
- Similar interface as to uploading to i386 & armel builder as with extras.
- There should be a specific moderation of invitations to be able to upload to the Mer repositories.
- There should be a possibility to upload self-built packages (source & binary packages), like 'non-free' but directly to 'main', for certain uploaders (kernel-diablo is a specific problem, as it doesn't build cleanly on new SDK with gcc4)
Builder specifics
- Builders should target both i386 and armel (armv5el, not vfp) (will probably have to be set with CFLAGS)
- Mer has a scratchbox v1 SDK (see SB1 SDK Guide), using scratchbox-toolchain-arm-linux-cs2008q3-72_1.0.8-1_i386.deb, and a rootstrap for armel. i386 rootstrap TBA.