Answers and fixes to some FAQs:
Why can't I hear anything when calling?
Sound cannot be routed through the N900's earpiece/microphone in NITDroid yet.
Why is my device not charging while in NITDroid?
In NITDroid, go to:
App drawer --> Settings --> Applications --> Development --> Stay awake
This should let the screen stay awake while charging, your device will be charging normally.
What do I do if I can't obtain IP address from my WiFi?
There are several workarounds, best is to turn off WiFi encryption.
Why does signing in to Google takes forever?
Skip google sign-up in the first tutorial instead, sign up/in google once in NITDroid.
How can I overclock NITDroid
1. You can download ready GUI's from the market for OCing:
NOTE: Recommended settings for Setcpu: Min:125 Max:805 Governor:Conservative
2. Or use one of these profiles:
Did I loose the ability to overclock Maemo by kernel-power?
For kernel-power multiboot entry:
1. Unrar this archive to ./MyDocs, then:
2. On Xterminal, execute:root mount /home /and dpkg -i /home/user/MyDocs/multiboot-0.2.11-kernel-power-46-Android-Kernel/*
3. Reboot your device, you shall see a new multiboot entry for kernel-power.
My memory for apps is getting low, what can I do?
1. Here are custom EMMCs if you want to reflash:
5GB app memory 24GB /MyDocs:
8GB app memory 21GB /MyDocs:
2. Install by repartitioning