Community SSU/QA


As started being discussed on

  1. Who ultimately owns the CSSU?
    • Council?
  2. How will included improvements be decided?
    • Will there be an inclusive policy - every improvement that someone is willing to work on will be included - or will there be a gatekeeper that will decide what to include?
    • Is the scope limited to improving packages which are included by Nokia in the OS; or should it grow to include "useful" stuff?
    • Should wholesale replacement of apps (such as Media Player) be done with open source, feature- & UI-compatible versions; if available?
  3. How will testing be organised?
    • Positive
    • Negative
    • Regression
    • Installation from scratch
    • Upgrade from previous version
  4. How will it be advertised?
  5. How will it be supported?
    • Bugzilla
    • IRC?
    • Forum
  6. At what point do bugs get set to RESOLVED FIXED? Such as #3700

Test scripts

Upgrade from PR 1.3 global
Step Action Expected outcome
1 Get 20.1010.36-2 image
2 Flash using flasher-3.5
3 Install community-ssu-enabler-testing Application installs, dialogue opens
4 Run the "Community SSU Installer" application Prompts for various changes
5 Start "Application Manager" and click "Check for updates" The SSU release is shown
6 Select "Maemo 5 Community SSU" to install and confirm SSU installs. After reboot, message "Operating system updated successfully" shown
7 Check official install instructions Instructions correspond to above steps and names shown during installation
