Task:Document maemo.org processes

This is a list of maemo.org processes, infrastructure and applications which require documentation, because only one or two people know how to do it.

The goal is to make sure that no-one on the team is indispensable, and that the "bus factor" on every component of maemo.org is greater than one - that is, that there is no component where only one person knows how it works and can fix it when it breaks. This is a list of documents we should have, categorised (roughly) by the person who knows the information to document.


sysadmin (Ferenc)

  • What servers are in the maemo.org infrastructure?
  • What services are running on maemo.org?
  • Who has access to the servers with admin privileges to the various services?

webmaster (Niels)

  • How have we configured our web server(s)?
  • Where is the MediaWiki install for wiki.maemo.org stored, and what

changes have been made compared to a vanilla install? Is the modification history in source control somewhere? How does that get updated on deployment?

debmaster (Jeremiah)

  • Maemo packaging guide
  • How are packages promoted from extras-devel to extras-testing, and then to extras?
  • How does one do maintenance on the package repositories?
  • How does the autobuilder work?
  • What is the process for non-free packages to get into extras?

bugmaster (Andre)

docmaster (Dave)