GSoC 2009/Projects/Twitter Plugin And Twitpic Support For Canola
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Twitter application and Twitpic support for Canola - GSoC 2009 Project
- Student: kasun herath
- Mentor: Eduardo Lima
- Repository:
Project summary
The aim of this project is to provide a twitter application and twitpic support for canola2.
Twitter is a social networking and micro blogging system.
Twitpic could be used to share photos over twitter.
Features to be implemented in the new twitter plugin
- UI of the twitter plugin.
- Engaging in usual twitter activities.
- Posting pictures on the device over twitpic.
- Adding support to the flickr plugin to share URL's of photos over twitter.
- Adding suppport to the youtube plugin to share URL's of videos over twitter.
GSOC 2009 would span 12 weeks starting from may 23rd to august 17th. The schedule describes when each feature is intended to be finished.
- UI of the twitter plugin - 2 weeks
- Engaging in usual twitter activities - 3 weeks
- Posting pictures on the device over twitpic - 2 weeks
- Adding support to the flickr plugin to share URL's of photos over twitter - 2 weeks
- Adding suppport to the youtube plugin to share URL's of videos over twitter - 2 weeks
Mockups of the plugin - Media:twitter_mockup.jpg
Current Interfaces - Media:Twitter-textbox.png , Media:Twitter-list.png Media:Twitter-updates.png
- Settings options implemented.
- Twitter client implemented.
- Twitter options(Reply, Retweet, Delete) implemented
- Twitpic support integrated
Project Reports
How to Install
- Download the latest twitter-plugin using the command, git clone git://
- copy the mainline/canola-twitter folder into canola-src/canola/plugins folder
- cd into, mainline/data/themes/default
- Run, edje_cc default.edc default-twitter.edj -id images command to compile the theme file
- copy the default-twitter.edj into canola-src/canola/THEMES folder
- Install python-twitter API from [1]