Wii remote

There are numerous ways to achieve control of the N900 using a wii remote. Please have a look at this thread

The method described here uses cwiid and wminput. This method is an expansion on the instructions provided here by the user thp, who re-packaged cwiid.

change to root (by whichever method you chose)


install cwiid-utils from extras-devel.

apt-get install cwiid-utils

if not already installed install python-cwiid

apt-get install python-cwiid

Then execute the following two commands

modprobe uinput

chmod a+rw /dev/input/uinput

Then create a config file. The file below is for controlling the inbuilt media player

<syntaxhighlight lang="batch"> Wiimote.Left = KEY_LEFT Wiimote.Right = KEY_RIGHT

Wiimote.A = KEY_SPACE Wiimote.B = KEY_SPACE

Wiimote.Minus = KEY_F7 Wiimote.Plus = KEY_F8 </syntaxhighlight>

The code was saved in /home/user/.cwiid/wminput/mediaplayer This is one of the places that gets searched by wminput as detailed here

Once saved ensure bluetooth is on and simply execute: wminput -c mediaplayer from the command line. then press the 1 and 2 buttons on thhe wii remote and the command line should say ready after a little while. Once done simply start the media player. Once started simply use the wii remote buttons to control it. You can skip songs (forward and backward), pause/play and change volume.

If you want to carry out some coding using python and wii remote look here

Here is also some further usefull links: http://abstrakraft.org/cwiid/browser/wminput/action_enum.txt http://abstrakraft.org/cwiid/wiki