Objective:Community localization
This article is continued discussion from the maemo.org brainstorm Please see the 2010 Agenda for more. |
The objective is to provide the tools for community collaboration in localization tasks.
- Organize localization teams, preferrably coordinated with other open community efforts.
- Work on the localization of a basic description of the Maemo platform and the maemo.org community.
- Provide tools for consolidated language/localization teams willing to have fully localized communities around maemo.org.
- Provide tools and documentation to improve the localization of applications.
- Establish channels to collaborate in the improvement of Maemo localization in officially supported languages.
- Provide tools and documentation to create and maintain Maemo localizations in languages supported at a community level.
Maemo SW is planning to offer the tools for community localization in Harmattan. The tool selected is Transifex. See http://wiki.maemo.org/Task:Evaluate_Transifex
The Conboy project is opening the way: http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/conboy/
It seems that some people is trying to commit patches from Transifex to maemo.gitorious.org?
Then there is https://garage.maemo.org/projects/transifex/ (?)
Maemo 5
There are several localization packages released with the SDK or, ultimately, in the Maemo 5 image:
- hildon-application-manager-l10n-public
- hildon-common-strings-l10n-public
- hildon-control-panel-l10n-public
- hildon-fm-l10n-public
- hildon-input-method-l10n-public
- hildon-libs-l10n-public
- hildon-status-bar-usb-l10n-public
- ke-recv-l10n-public
- maemo-af-desktop-l10n-public
- marketing-release-public
- modest-l10n-public
- osso-applet-tasknavigator-l10n-public
- osso-countries-l10n-public
- osso-filemanager-l10n-public
- osso-games-l10n-public
- osso-help-l10n-public
- osso-rss-feed-reader-l10n-public
- osso-system-lock-l10n-public
- osso-uri-l10n-public
Please list the localization packages you are missing sorted by relevance:
- First item, the most relevant.
See also the Talk thread: Community translations of Maemo software.