GSoC 2009/Projects/Picasa plugin for Canola



Picasa plugin for Canola - GSoC 2009 Project

Project summary

The aim of this project is to develop a Picasa plugin for Canola. The plugin will be able to access the web albums stored at Picasa, to upload new pictures, to add/update descriptions and tags). The plugin will ease and shorten the process of taking and sharing a picture on the Internet. It will also use GPS data to fill location information in picture's meta-data and to search for pictures taken in current region.


  • Backend which interfaces with Google Picasa API (done)
  • List user's albums with details (thumb, name, description) (done)
  • Add album create / delete options (done)
  • Show thumbs for pictures in each album (done)
  • Show full size pictures (done, but should export some classes from canola-core )
  • Show full screen pictures (done, but should export some classes from canola-core)
  • Add support to delete pictures from albums
  • Add option to allow changes in album name, description and access (in progress)
  • Add support for picture uploading
  • Integrate with Photocast (done)
  • Add support to search for public pictures
  • ....

Low priority tasks

  • add option to select thumbs location
