Task:2010 Agenda

(Target groups analysis)
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Help defining the '''maemo.org 2010 Agenda'''. This is taken to mean the vision the community has for the state of maemo in 2010.
Help defining the '''maemo.org 2010 Agenda'''. This is taken to mean the vision the community has for the state of maemo in 2010.
{| style="background-color:#f4f09c; border: 1px silver solid; padding: 10px;"
= Objectives =
| [[Image:50px-Nuvola apps important yellow.svg.png|50px|left]]
Each objective consists of a list of tasks. The list of objectives here is ready for community approval but the tasks in each page need surely more iterations.
* '''Please login''' before making any changes. '''Thank you'''.
* Please keep things '''on-topic'''.
* '''Hardware requests''' are entirely ''out-of-scope'' and will be removed by community members trying to keep this page focused and on-topic.
* '''Software requests''' which would be trivial for a third party to provide—or are already on the roadmap—are ''out-of-scope'' and will be removed by community members trying to keep this page focused and on-topic.
* Discussion of the 2010 Agenda should be held in the [[Talk:2010 Agenda|discussion page]].
* If you think your suggestion should be done in the '''next 100 days''', please post it in the [[100Days|Maemo.org 100 Days Action Plan]].
== maemo development process ==
=== Openness, openness, openness ===
* Core libraries developed in the open by Nokia employees and maemo.org community contributors.
* Non-Nokia specification writing and approval, worked on by Nokia employees and maemo.org community contributors; discussed on public mailing lists.
* The ability to build a complete, flashable image by maemo.org community for beta testing of open components in development. (May be less necessary in an SSU-based world: TBC)
* The ability to strip a maemo-based OS down to its base and build it up again differently (for example, KDE and no Hildon).
** By 2010, installing completely different UIs should be achievable through the Application Manager.
:''There are different big topics here, worth spliting them to further discuss: open development by Nokia teams, collaboration between Nokia and community developers, ability to build and distribute maemo OS variants.--[[User:qgil|qgil]] 08:53, 2 June 2008 (UTC)''
=== IdeaStorm ===
* As suggested [http://geekpenguin.blogspot.com/2008/04/bright-idea.html here] and [http://www.internettablettalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=19556 here], set up an IdeaStorm for maemo to cover:
** Software ideas larger in scale than Bugzilla enhancement requests, in particular, acting as a focusing agent for Bugzilla enhancement requests (e.g. IdeaStorm brainstorming session -> multiple Bugzilla enhancement requests).
** Hardware requests outside the scope of Bugzilla.
:''Isn't this more of a 100 Days action?--[[User:qgil|qgil]] 08:54, 2 June 2008 (UTC)''
::''I think it's quite a big task, if you want it to be user-friendly, and with a voting system that provides useful feedback -- [[User:felipec|FelipeC]] 12:43, 2 June 2008 (UTC)''
== maemo developer resources ==
* Better localization guidelines for new and existing Developers.
** Keep focused on the core of the project
** Stay unified and work out the details later
** Focus every module in a step by step instead of a free for all
** Delegate. Newcomers need the experience.
:''It is sensible to introduce a point about community Localization in the 2010 Agenda: what is expected, what would be ideal. The discussion and specific planning would be better in a specific page, though.--[[User:qgil|qgil]] 09:05, 2 June 2008 (UTC)''
* Documentation System. (Help system???)
** getting started is way to difficult and will detour many great minds
** outsource to the blogger types in the group
*** voice record "dictate to the typers"
*** video and slide w/audio help for many
** cut out the opinions where are the real facts (make an easy to find location)
** Clearer UI guidelines for 3rd party developers.
:''Introducing newcomers to the platform is definitely a core case, since we expect lots of them coming. And not with a Linux and open source background necessarely. Again, what is expected and ideal, then the details to be worked out in separate pages.--[[User:qgil|qgil]] 09:05, 2 June 2008 (UTC)''
* Development Framework. ???
* Better GPS resources. (GeoClue???)
* Development Tools and Utilities for Linux, OS X and Windows.
** GUI development package (reduce learning curve)
** Better feedback on testing of packages
** make simple system for ideas to be tried
** Better emulator on PC. Comes with most default applications of NIT and is based on a newer QEmu (at least one that supports Virtualization Extensions).
* Better modern native languages support - like Vala and D. && how to build a hello world app in C++/Vala in 10 minute (no more!)
:''Let's take what is relevant of these points for the maemo.org community and online infrastructure. For instance "Better feedback on testing of packages" and "make simple system for ideas to be tried".--[[User:qgil|qgil]] 09:05, 2 June 2008 (UTC)''
=== Ship high level building blocks ===
* Think of media server, VoIP, contact lists, camera, GPS localization. Currently developers only have the low level API's, while mostly they just want a widget that displays the mentioned data and listen to user interaction signal or device signals. This also makes these functionalities look the same in all applications using them
:''This is out of scope in the 2010 Agenda call. API and developer offering in general will improve and we might organize similar a similar brainstorming for that.--[[User:qgil|qgil]] 09:05, 2 June 2008 (UTC)''
== Becoming the best-in-class community for innovation on mobile devices running Linux ==
What does it take to become the de-facto community to innovate open source for Linux-based devices? Obviously, we are not alone when it comes to development on Linux on mobile devices. Development communities for Android platform and LIMO platform are likely to grow in the next 2 years. So, how do we ensure that we keep on getting the greatest brains to our community? Only through continuous growth and fresh community members from around the globe we can ensure that we get new ideas and new challenges from which we all can learn. Only through continuous learning we can create better software and better user experiences.
So again, what does it take to be a major force in open source for Linux-based mobile devices?
* a vision, a strategy, and mid-term objectives for the community
* clear and transparent rules of engagement and recognition of contributions in the community
* a virtual meeting place i.e. maemo.org but also community events for people to meet in person
* a powerful core operating system incorporating the latest versions of open source upstream projects
* best-in-class open devices for rapid prototyping on latest hardware
* easy to use tools to create, prototype, and rewrite applications on top of the SDKs
* tools for contributors to software "below" the SDK to prototype and publish enhancements
* strong ties with the other open source community projects
* deep understanding of consumer behavior, preferences, and consumer trends in different cultures
* a mechanism on how to deliver software from open source innovation to millions of consumers
* based on a truly international point of view in design of device and software platform as well as community construction, internet communication is global rather than restricted in local region.
But at the end of the day, it's all about people, relationships and networks. The community needs to be able to maintain and extend the network between the people in an efficient, fair, and transparent way.
Only when we have in our maemo.org agenda 2010 answers on how maemo.org can contribute to these above mentioned requirements, then we can succeed to bring open source innovation to millions of people across the globe and change their lives.--[[User:peterschneider|peterschneider]] 10:03, 30 May 2008 (UTC)
:''Something like this is a good start to define the vision and core objectives of this 2010 Agenda. This is where the strategic minds in the community should think big and deep to set the scope and goals they wish for maemo.org.--[[User:qgil|qgil]] 09:49, 2 June 2008 (UTC)''
== Target groups analysis  ==
Nice summary by Peter. Here are some analysis tables to try which might to help identify concrete tasks to get the best of people, relationships and networks (of course the tables are likely not complete) --[[User:Framstag|Framstag]].
So who are the people were are interested in to join the group? Who are the people that might be interested in the device?
* Developer
** Wants to reuse existing infrastructure => Try to better integrate with portals like www.sf.net and similar. Perhaps in the end www.mameo.org is just an anaggregator for other sides?
** Documentation, Examples, Development enviroment
** Looking for co-developers, loking for porters => resource market
** Subgroup "Gtk/Gnome developer"
*** Wants to reduce porting => Identical APIs
** Subgroup "Foreign toolkit developer"
*** Wants to better integrate their application into the platform => Have two layer APIs, one that does not depend on Gtk libraries (or at least Gtk Event loop) and one that builds on top of that layer using Gtk/Gnome primitives.
** Subgroup "Game developer"
*** Wants more GUI power
*** Wants distribution channels
*** Wants (hardware) basics for new ideas and alternative games ideas
** Subgroup "Open Source activists"
*** Have everything open
** Subgroup "Commercial developers"
*** Require comerical support
* Software Porters
** Wants to reuse existing aproaches and solutions for the big distributions
** Would like to reduce changes to application, because developers is already prepared (screen resolution, networkspecifics) => push extended APIs upstream. Make thinks easier.
* Customizer (people reselling a hardware/software variant of the device, OS, GUI)
** Wants the distribution modifyable from ground up => Make things available, more open, document more processes and tools
* Add-on Hardware suppliers
** Wants hardward documentation
** Wants more interfaces
== Software group analysis ==  
== Best community for mobile Linux innovation  ==
{{main|Objective:Best community for mobile Linux innovation}}
The best open source projects target primarily the Maemo platform.
* Desktop ports
== Release soon & often ==
* Mobility specific software (GPS, Chat, Syncing)
{{main|Objective:Release soon and often}}
* Games
Public releases of Maemo while it's being developed.
* Multimedia
== Future trends analysis ==
== One place to track feedback ==
{{main|Objective:One place to track feedback}}
bugs.maemo.org to get Nokia developers involved as well as the consolidated community projects.
So where is the market going?
== Co-production of official & community documentation ==
{{main|Objective:Co-production of official & community documentation}}
Nokia and the Maemo community to collaborate in the production of the documentation developers and other contributors need.
* Mobility
== Community localization ==
* Synchronisation
{{main|Objective:Community localization}}
* Convergence
The Maemo experience in our own language, translated by ourselves.
== End-user software wishlist ==
== Maemo variants ==
{{main|Software wish-list}}
{{main|Objective:Maemo variants}}
Software requests are really '''out-of-scope''' and ''not relevant'' to this brainstorming session. Please see the main article.
Tools to bring platform innovation to adventurous users.

Latest revision as of 13:34, 17 January 2012

This is an ongoing task, planned to be completed during the current maemo.org development sprint. Any help is appreciated!
Please see the talk page for discussion.

Help defining the maemo.org 2010 Agenda. This is taken to mean the vision the community has for the state of maemo in 2010.



[edit] Objectives

Each objective consists of a list of tasks. The list of objectives here is ready for community approval but the tasks in each page need surely more iterations.

[edit] Best community for mobile Linux innovation

Main article: Objective:Best community for mobile Linux innovation

The best open source projects target primarily the Maemo platform.

[edit] Release soon & often

Main article: Objective:Release soon and often

Public releases of Maemo while it's being developed.

[edit] One place to track feedback

Main article: Objective:One place to track feedback

bugs.maemo.org to get Nokia developers involved as well as the consolidated community projects.

[edit] Co-production of official & community documentation

Main article: Objective:Co-production of official & community documentation

Nokia and the Maemo community to collaborate in the production of the documentation developers and other contributors need.

[edit] Community localization

Main article: Objective:Community localization

The Maemo experience in our own language, translated by ourselves.

[edit] Maemo variants

Main article: Objective:Maemo variants

Tools to bring platform innovation to adventurous users.