
m (Categories)
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The tools are arranged into different categories so that you can easily see what tools are available for specific kinds of tasks. The same tool can be present in multiple categories.
The tools are arranged into different categories so that you can easily see what tools are available for specific kinds of tasks. The same tool can be present in multiple categories.
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=== Code Analyser ===
=== Code Analyser ===

Revision as of 20:11, 21 October 2010

These tools are available in the official Maemo 5 Fremantle tools repository at Some of them may have already been available unofficially, but these versions are tested for functionality.

You can propose new tools by filing an enhancement request in Bugzilla.

Installation instructions are available below.




The tools are arranged into different categories so that you can easily see what tools are available for specific kinds of tasks. The same tool can be present in multiple categories.

Code Analyser

Tool Description
doxygen a source code documentation generator tool
gtk-doc an API documentation generator


Tool Description
crash-reporter user-friendly graphical user interface for sp-rich-core
gdb GDB is the GNU debugger
functracer an allocation backtrace tool
functracer-postproc a post-processing tool for functracer output data
latrace display a program's dynamic library calls
ltrace a library call tracer
maemo-debug-scripts a set of scripts to help with debugging tasks
sp-error-visualizer displays log messages as banners
sp-rich-core a core dump data saver
sp-rich-core-postproc contains rich-core-extract to examine *.rcore.lzo files created by sp-rich-core
sp-response-time a library for monitoring UI response times
sp-startup-time a library for calculating application startup times
strace a system call tracer
syslog a log message collecting service
valgrind a suite of tools for debugging and profiling programs
x11-utils a collection of X Window System debugging tools; xev, xwininfo, xprop, xlsatoms and xlsclients.


Tool Description
less a text file viewer/pager
osso-xterm a terminal emulator
man-db manual page infrastructure
screen provides access to detachable console sessions


Tool Description
nano a friendly text editor
vi a text editor


Tool Description
screenshot-tool a command line utility to take screenshots
xresponse measures the time taken to update the screen after user action
xresponse-visualize scripts for visualizing xresponse logs


Tool Description
iputils a collection of TCP/IP related utilities
netcat a utility to read and write data across network connections
tcpdump a network traffic capturing utility
traceroute print the route packets take to a network host
wget a utility to non-interactively download files from the Web


Tool Description
oprofile a low overhead system wide profiler
oprofileui a user interface to oprofile
sp-startup-time a library for calculating application startup times
valgrind a suite of tools for debugging and profiling programs
xresponse measures the time taken to update the screen after user action
xresponse-visualize scripts for visualizing xresponse logs

Resource Usage

Tool Description
functracer an allocation backtrace tool
functracer-postproc a post-processing tool for functracer output data
htop an interactive process viewer
sp-endurance tools to collect system endurance related information
sp-endurance-postproc postprocessing scripts to parse and generate a report from endurance measurement data
sp-memusage a collection of memory usage monitoring tools and scripts
sp-smaps-measure utilities for taking snapshots of smaps memory information
sp-smaps-visualize utilities for analyzing smaps memory information
sysstat tools for collecting and reporting system activity information
valgrind a suite of tools for debugging and profiling programs
xrestop shows X clients' X resource usage

Test Automation

Tool Description
check a unit test framework for C
sp-stress tools to create artificial system load
xnee automate user actions under X11
xresponse measures the time taken to update the screen after user action

Wireless Tools

Tool Description
bluez-hcidump a tool to monitor Bluetooth activity
wireless-tools tools for manipulating Linux Wireless Extensions


These tools can be installed in the device by activating the Fremantle tools repository in the Application manager. The tools are command line utilities, so they will not add applications to the application manager list of downloadable applications. This also means that the tools need to be installed from the X terminal as root. Developers can also install them in Scratchbox using the command line interface.

To activate the tools repository with the Application Manager, (does not work in PR 1.2 - please fix) open this single-click install file, or manually create a new catalogue like this:

  1. Navigate to the application menu in the Application Manager (tap the title bar)
  2. Select ‘Application catalogs’
  3. Select ‘New’
  4. Enter a catalog name of ‘fremantle tools’
  5. Enter a web address of
  6. Enter a distribution of ‘fremantle/tools’
  7. Enter components of ‘free non-free’
  8. Make sure that ‘Disabled:’ is left unchecked
  9. Select ‘Save’

If you prefer to edit configuration files yourself instead of using the Application manager, add these lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list

# fremantle tools
deb fremantle/tools free non-free
# fremantle tools sources
deb-src fremantle/tools free non-free

To install a binary package in Scratchbox:

$ fakeroot apt-get install <bin pkg name>

To install a binary package to the device (as root):

$ apt-get install <bin pkg name>   

To install a source package in Scratchbox or to the device:

$ apt-get source <src pkg name>